Bad Boy

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This is a request for @Booksbabes_tam I hope you enjoy it :)


"Here he comes again," my best friend whispered to me then walked away.

"Hey y/n," he said.

"Hi c/n, what's up?" I said back.

"Just checkin' in on you, as per usual," he said with the same smug smile as always.

"That's nice," I replied plainly as I shoved some books into my locker.

"C'mon y/n," he said putting his hand next to my head against the locker next to mine. "What's it gonna take for me to... ya know..."

"No, I don't know," I said shutting my locker and turning around to almost knocking into him.

"C'mon don't make me say it," he said putting both hands on either side of my head, trapping me against the lockers. He looked at me so suggestively my heart rate spiked. But instead of panicking, I pursed my lips in a smile and ducked under his arms and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.


I was sitting at my usual lunch table with my various friends from various groups of people when out of nowhere bsf/n said "You know, rumour has it, c/n actually has a major thing for you y/n,"

"Ha," I laughed precariously. "Yea sure, ok bsf/n,"

"No actually, I heard that too," another one of my friends confirmed.

"Yea, I heard him talking about you to one of his boys earlier today," said another.

"Guys, c'mon, quit playin'," I said offensively.

"They're not though, I heard it too y/n," said the one who hadn't yet spoken.

I couldn't keep out of my head. Did he actually maybe like me? He was being quite flirty. No, he's just a player, that's the only reason he was acting like that.


It was the last period of the day and I'd gotten through the entire day without crying from stress until now. 

I was rounding the corner back towards my last period class on my way back from the bathroom when I saw him.


"Oh god, not now," I whispered to myself and ducked behind a trashcan along the wall hoping he hadn't seen me.

I sank to the ground with my head in my hands hoping to God he hadn't seen me.

"Y/n..?" I heard from an all too familiar voice.

"Oh," I looked up at him and felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "Hey...c/n..."

"Are you okay?" He asked helping me up.

Oh my gosh does he actually care? I mentally slapped myself. No, stop, he definitely doesn't.

"Fine," I said through a sniffle. He looked at me as if he obviously knowing I was lying. "Fine," I huffed. "I'm definitely not fine," I said sliding back down to the ground against the wall. He sat down next to me this time.

Maybe he...No.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking genuinely interested. Like he cared.

I took a deep breath and can't believe I don't even hesitate for a second to confide in him. 

"I just feel so much pressure, you know..." I said through a shaky breath.

"Pressure for what?" He asked.

"To be perfect," I said almost breaking down again as I did in the bathroom.

"But you are," he said.

Just then my heart stopped. My stomach felt a million butterflies. Did he just say...

"What?" I asked almost instantly.

"You are," he said.

"You're just saying that so I'll stop crying because you're uncomfortable," I said in a scoff. 

"No-" He tried to defend.

"No, it's fine I can go back to the bathroom, that's the whole reason I'm out of class right now. Because I was crying." I said attempting to get up.

Before I could even get close to getting up on my feet I was pulled back down to the ground by the wrist and into a kiss.

"You," he said once pulling away "are, perfect."

"Why would you do that?" I said wiping more tears and sniffling some more.

"Because I like you, y/n" I wanted to believe him, I really did.

"You're such a player," I laughed weakly.

"I swear on my mother's life that I mean every word I've just said." He took my hands in his. I kept my eyes down. "Why do you think I've been hanging around you so much lately?" 

"I don't know, because that's what you do, tricking girls into thinking you like them just to get them in bed then you throw them out?" I said looking at him only once, then back down again.

He was hesitant to reply.

"Is that really what you think of me?" He asked, finally. I just looked at him sadly. "Oh," he started to get up.

"Hey, but can you blame me?" I said quickly. He stopped and turned back to me. "That's the reputation you've built for yourself, whether you meant to or not." He sighed.

"I'm sorry. I know that's how I portrayed myself in the past, but I've changed." He took a deep breath. "When I met you, I wanted to change myself," he didn't look at me now.

"You mean it?" I asked still unsure.

"I mean every word," he said now looking me in the eye.

I smiled and released a shaky breath. 

He held his arms out for a hug.

I smiled and sank into his arms.

Right then and there, I felt the most content I had in a very long time.


a/n: hi all, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long but I've been going through a lot of stress with school and relationships lately but I got a burst of motivation so I thought I'd finish this request while I was thinking of it.

anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day/evening/night <3

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