No Strings Attached (pt. 1)

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"You said no strings attached,"

"But I want the strings now,"


y/n p.o.v.

"I could do a no strings attached relationship," I said to my best friend. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Yea, no, you couldn't. You get way too attached way too quickly." She responded. I glared at her.

"Fine, you don't believe me, I'll prove it."


"I'll make a move on c/n. We all know he doesn't date, only likes to have 'fun'." I said in utter confidence. She gasped.

See, c/n and I, we've kind of had this ongoing unprecedented chemistry that sparked between us this year but neither of us does anything about it except flirt through body language and much eye contact with occasional facial expressions.

"But, don't you... haven't you actually started to actually like him?" She asked concerned.

"Maybe... but that'd just be an even better way to prove to you that I can do a no strings attached relationship." I crossed my arms and took a glance over at c/n across the cafeteria. He glanced my way as well, adding a wink just before I looked away which I rolled my eyes at causing him to smirk.

"God, just even date already. Like, all the strings attached. Please, for the love of literally my boyfriend, just date." Y/bsf said after viewing that whole affair. I just rolled my eyes and smiled at her.


After school that day I saw he was sitting alone in his car, in the parking lot, on his phone. Curious as to why he was still even at the school, I decided to just make my move right then and there.

I walked to the passenger side door from behind his car, opened the door and slid into the seat next to him. 

He looked at me confused. I couldn't blame him. For one, we weren't from the same social classes really and two, neither of us had even come up to the other randomly at all.

"I have a proposition for you," I said.

"Ok..." he was obviously very confused.

I sighed, rolled my eyes, and scooted a bit closer to him. "There's obviously something here," I said. He smirked and his eyes began to trace my body. "Stop, eyes up here hot stuff," I said almost in annoyance.

That caught him off guard and he did as a said. "All right, continue," he said.

I exhaled and began to continue my thought process aloud. "So, here my out-"

"I don't date."

"I know that. Everyone knows that. It's not like you try to hide the fact that you've at least made out with every girl in the school by now." I said bluntly.

"Fair point," he said.

"No strings attached." I said folding my hands and looking him dead in the eyes. I could see him thinking about it as he stared back at me, a smirk slowly making its presence in the corner of my mouth. 

"What's in it for me?" He asked. Ok, is he stupid?

"What's not in it for you," I stated. "Listen, I'm trying to win an unproclaimed bet. Y/bsf thinks I don't have it in me to get involved in a no strings attached relationship. Help me prove her wrong,"

"Ok, but what's in it for me?" He asked again. Oh my god, he is stupid. I looked at him with a deadpan expression. He smirked, chuckled, and then proceeded to say, "Relax. I know what a no strings attached- I know what that is."

"God, I thought you were stupid," I said. "Well, I mean, you're not that smart. You cheat the answers for literally everything and everyone likes you so they automatically give you the answers that way you never have to do anything you don't want to." I added a subtle glare at the end of my point remembering when I let him copy my homework earlier in the year.

"Damn, that's a little harsh, don't you think?" He tried playing victim.

I scoffed, "not in the slightest."

He sighed with a smile. "All right, I'll help you."

"You will?!" I tried not to get too excited. I was going to win this unproclaimed bet.

"No strings attached?" He confirmed.

"No strings attached." I repeated.

"Ok, under one condition." He said.

"Fine, what?" I said.

"You have to come to parties with me." He said smirking. 

I'd never been to a party in my entire life. He knew that because he'd been to all of them. So, to throw him off, without any hesitation I said, "Hell yes," with a smile. Not too enthusiastic but not too apathetic. It worked. He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oook then," he said.

"Ok, you choose when you wanna begin, I don't care," I said.

"Now," he said hastily then grabbed my face, turned it to him and aggressively connected his lips to my own. I kissed back but by the time I could gain hold of my thoughts and think holy f- he broke away and said "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that,"

My mouth hung open and the sound of our heavy breathing was the only thing I could hear. I sat back for a moment, his hands rested on my neck. I'd just had my first kiss. And there was no way I wanted to stop now.

Just as hurriedly as he had before, I took hold of his face and smashed my lips onto his.

Please don't get attached.


a/n: part two will be up as soon as possible but I'm really liking how this one is turning out.

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