Sudden Changes

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Why'd he have to be so freaking cute? You thought to yourself the day you knew you'd made the biggest and best mistake of your love life. You know, the one that didn't exist.

You'd had no feelings for him whatsoever when you had to hold his hand for a lab in biology last semester. Or when he made that joke about how you always straighten your desk so it's practically perfectly straight every time you walk into a classroom. Or when he answered every question right when the class you shared played a review game before each test. Or when he looked so cute and peaceful when he slept on his desk every time he'd finished a test earlier than the rest of the class. So where did these stupid feelings come from?  

These feelings tore you up inside because you knew you didn't stand a chance against any and all of the other girls in your grade and even the whole school. They were all so much more pretty than you thought you ever could be. No matter how pretty you dressed or how much makeup you put on. Plus, you were way out of his league. He'd never go for anyone even remotely close to the person you were.

When did they start -these feelings? Well, you couldn't answer where they came from, but you could answer when they started. 

You'd just started to get over what you thought was soon to be a significant relationship with this guy you'd known and been friends with for at least five years now. It was definitely moving in that direction when, all of a sudden, he just stopped texting you. He'd texted you 24 hours a day for about 3 days when he just, stopped. He didn't text you during 3rd period like he did every day to ask how your day was going or remind you that the first half of the day was almost over so you could hang out during lunch. Nope. All that just stopped. You waited a day or two because he'd just broken up with another girl before you so you were being kind and giving him space to get over her. But still, nothing. You'd had no idea what happened. He'd told you for years that he liked you and wanted to be with you but you'd never liked him back and then you started to develop feelings for him so you told him. Then you started hanging out and you thought there was something there. Then a week or two later you found out he'd started dating -a girl he'd dated a year ago and broken up with- again. Being as he'd said a hundred times before that he would never hurt you, and he ended up doing exactly that, you were practically depressed. You wanted to know what happened, why he stopped texting and talking with you. But you didn't want to bug him so you just left him alone and that's when it started. That is when your feelings for c/n started to come about. 

You started noticing every little thing he did. Your eyes started to always go to him whenever you walked into class -or a room you knew he'd be in. Every little thing, you started to like. A lot. His voice, his smile, his innocent eyes, his laugh. Pretty much everything about him. 

He used to sit at the desk next to you before the teacher had decided to give assigned seats. The day she assigned them she told everyone it was random, so that made you anxious. What if I get placed at the same desk as him? You thought to yourself as you stood, waiting for Mrs P. to assign you a seat. She said your name and pointed to your new seat. Next, she pointed to the seat next to you and the name she said wasn't c/n's. It was Shane. Your crush from last year that hadn't taken very long to get over. He was also one of the popular guys, so you felt a little awkward -so to speak. 

The whole assigned seat situation was basically a punishment for us being one of the most misbehaved classes of the day. The only way you could move to a different seat was if two peoples desk partners were gone then they had to sit next to each other. The only other way was if a sub let you choose your seat after they took roll -which was rare.  You hoped that at least for one day his and your desk partners would both be gone at the same time but it was getting close to the end of the year and that still hadn't happened.

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