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I walked into the high school for the first time since my sophomore year. I was very excited about this year. My best friend was coming to school with me this year instead of homeschooling and she was determined to make this the best year ever.

I hadn't seen c/n all summer. Not even once at the marketplace or just around town. I was excited to see him again. I'd wondered if he'd changed at all.


I walked through the hallway and found my locker putting some books away that I didn't need until later.

I saw my old friends standing in a circle a few lockers down so I went to join them since my best friend wasn't here yet.

"Hey!" I said as I walked up to them. Me being the complimentary person that I am I told them all how pretty they looked. Some of our guy friends came over and just started talking to each other. I watched them out of the corner of my eye. That's when I heard his name.

"C/n!" They shouted down the hall. My heart began to race. I hadn't seen him in three months.

He walked up and started talking to them. I looked at him. Then realized if I didn't turn away now I'd end up staring. He looked good. He looked REAL good. His hair was longer. It looked so fluffy I just wanted to touch it. But I resisted.

I turned to look down the hall, in the opposite direction as c/n, and I saw bsf/n walking towards me with open arms.

Instantly I told her how good c/n looked and she laughed and told me how adorable I was. Her reoccurring phrases are always "omg you're so adorable," and "you're such a dork,".


Bsf/n and I only had 2 classes together. 2nd and 7th period. But we had lunch in between so that made up for the lack of shared classes. I also had two classes with c/n. 6th and 7th.

On the first day during 7th, I walked into the American History classroom and my eyes locked on bsf/n and we smiled at each other as I sat down beside her. I was sat right next to the wall close to the front so if I sat sideways I could see everyone even to the back without having to turn my head. I was faced forward reading one of the posters in the room and my eyes locked on someone as he walked into the room. It was c/n. He was looking straight ahead so I don't think he had seen me.

Bsf/n watched my pupils dilate as I watched him walk in and giggled at me.

"You're such a dork," she said.

"I know," I laughed. "But I can't help it."


The first week of school had passed and bsf/n had already guaranteed him to be staring at me as well.

Over the past few days, I had felt my feelings for c/n growing stronger by the day.

The few friends who knew that I liked him were all telling me to go for it and that there's no way he would reject me. And if he did, they'd be shocked.

Eventually, one of my friends got tired of me doing nothing about it and messaged him telling him he should ask me to homecoming -which was in 2 and a half weeks. You can imagine my stress. I was in no place to be rejected. I was finally in a good mental state, being rejected by the guy I'm literally in love with would ruin it all and I'd have to start all over again.


Exactly one week until homecoming. That's what today was. The marker for exactly one week until homecoming. F/n wouldn't tell me if he either saw or answered her message, and if he saw and answered what he said. I was freaking out. Although we had been crossing paths and ending up in conversations together more over the past week so maybe that was his way of getting closer to me so that asking me to homecoming wasn't a totally "out of the blue" question.

crush/boyfriend imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang