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TW: mentions of sexual assault/harassment (drawn from personal experiences)

androphobia: an extreme and unreasonable phobia of men.


Men [boys] are... well... let's not talk about that.

"Hey," a boy (the only, might I add) from my anatomy class came up from behind me after I practically ran out of the room upon its end. "It's y/n, right?"

"Uh, yea," I said turning my head to look at him as he now walked beside me.

"C/n," he smiled, sticking his hand out for me to shake. And I did. "So, what's your major?"


"Wow, I guess you really are taking this class for fun," he laughed.

"Well, that and it's a Gen. Ed. I need to get out of the way," I laughed back lightly. "I just really love anatomy,"


C/n walked with me from the medical building all the way back to the residence hall on the other side of campus. Talking and asking typical "get to know you" questions all along the way until we parted and went our separate ways to our own dorms.

This became an occurrence every day that we had that class together.


About two weeks later around 10pm on a Thursday-

Text from c/n:


Wanna go do something and hang out? I'm bored.

like what?

We could go get food or something

i'm still broke my paycheck hasn't come in yet

I'll cover you

you sure? i'm not asking

Yea don't worry about it
Meet me in the parking lot in 10?

okay fine
just so long as you don't rape me

I won't, I promise
But I encourage you to bring a knife or a taser if it makes you feel any better lol

well all i've got is a rape whistle

Just don't blow it in my ear and we'll be just fine

lmao we got a deal


I'd been standing in the parking lot facing the residence hall for less than 5 minutes before I saw two guys walk out of the doors. When they got to the end of the sidewalk they fist-bumped, said something I couldn't quite make out, and went their separate ways - one of them heading towards me and the other off to the right.

"Heyyy!" A familiar voice exclaimed, from about ten feet away, as they walked across the crosswalk into the parking lot. "Feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" He said enthusiastically as he gestured his arms out wide.

"Yea, well I skipped class last week so," I said as he approached me.

"Oh, me too, decided to sleep an extra hour. So, your car or mine?" He asked, now standing in front of me.

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