A New Year

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This was a dream I had, that started out based on reality, that I'd already previously written down really sloppily in notes and just transferred here and I didn't really know exactly how to reword it so if things don't make sense and seem out of place or like something is missing, just keep reading you'll get to the explanation it's in there :) This is also in future tense the dream was placed about four months in advance like mid-September.


y/n p.o.v.

It was the first month back in school. I was driving home from school alone for once. No siblings, no friends. Just myself vibin' to some music.

I was driving just past the church right next to the main street and I saw c/n walking along the side of the road which I thought was odd so I pulled over and asked him if he needed a ride somewhere (without any intention of making anything awkward because of last year and hoping he'd forgotten about it by now considering how long ago it was).

He said "yea sure, thank you,"

"Of course," I said.

He then proceeded to tell me that his bus had broken down after they'd barely left the school and neither his parents nor anyone else was able to pick him up and take him home.

"You don't have to," he said.

"Oh it's no problem, happy to help," I said with a smile and he smiled as well.

I did my best to act like I had no idea where he lived (since I'd gotten curious and once stalked him on snap maps) and let him tell me when and where to turn.

Throughout the drive, I asked him how his quarantine went and how his summer was and he asked me the same in return. Me being me I went on for probably a little too long but he just quietly listened watching me almost the whole time and looking away when telling me where to turn.

This was one of my favourite things about him, he just let you ramble on while he listened because he just genuinely cared about what you had to say.

Altogether, it was just a really nice peaceful drive and he seemed to forget all about what I'd said six months ago which helped me to relax even more.

See, six months ago I'd decided to ask him to prom and when he said no (in the nicest way possible) I proceeded to tell him that I really like him. I don't even remember half the stuff that I'd said all I remember is that I rambled on and he just sat there quietly and listened intently. He even hugged me because he said he felt bad for having to let me down. He'd told me that he would but he doesn't like dances and I respected that.

Back to driving him home, he told me to turn into his driveway and I put the car in park to let him out. He sat there for a moment or two and I just kind of sat awkwardly in silence because I couldn't really leave if he hadn't gotten out yet.

Then he spoke, "you know when last year you told me that you liked me?"

My heart rate spiked and I tried not to act too awkward but I knew there was no stopping the fact that my face had already turned bright red. "Oh... you remember that?" I said embarrassed.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked. I just shrugged and kept my head down and began picking at my fingers.

"Well, do you still?" he asked.

I stayed quiet for a second or two and he just quietly watched me.

Eventually, I nodded and said "yea" almost indistinctly.

"I like you too," he said.

My head practically shot up and now he was the one looking down. "Really?" I asked. I honestly couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not even though I so badly wanted him to be.

He looked up out the front window and said "I'm curious though," then he looked at me "how long have you liked me? Because, the way you told me, it didn't seem recent"

I laughed "how would you know if it seemed recent or not" then I smiled.

"I have my ways," he said with a smile as well.

It was silent for another moment as we smiled at each other and to ourselves. Then I cleared my throat and said "beginning of second semester sophomore year."

He raised his eyebrows slightly "that long?" he asked. I nodded.

"Start of junior year," he said smiling to himself.

"What?" I asked confused. "But when I told you-" he cut my off.

"Yea I'm sorry, I just didn't wanna spend time with you somewhere I wouldn't have fun you know?"

Still confused I said, "but I told you I liked you too I didn't just ask you to prom."

He sighed "I know and I said that I would because I did like you, I just didn't wanna go to the dance and then when you told me you liked me I choked. that's why I said thank you though because I had the confirmation I needed that you felt the same way."

I gathered my thoughts "were you ever going to do anything about it?"

"I was, I was going to take maybe a week to recollect myself and my thoughts but then quarantine happened. That's why I was so distracted the next day. Remember when Mrs C. asked if I was ok and I said I had a lot on my mind or something?" he replied. I remembered. How could I not it was the day after I'd confessed me feelings.

I said "really?" he nodded. I just smiled in disbelief.

He started to lean in closer and during the process, he said "can I-" and I just nodded before he could finish (but that seemed to be what he does, decides on something and as he's made up his mind he asks even though he'll do it anyway) and we kissed. It was gentle and sweet, everything I could've imagined.

He broke away just as he opened the door to step out.

"See you tomorrow, y/n," he said as he shut the door and walked up to his house.

I threw my head onto the steering wheel and tried my hardest not to scream.

He looked back once before he reached the door then stepped inside.

I shakily put the car in reverse, backed out of his driveway and tried not to veer into a ditch but as soon as I was out of earshot from his house I screamed at the top of my lungs. I just kissed my crush!


a/n: ugh I hate the last part I suck with coming up with ending sentences I'm sorry for the cringe in that final end part, believe me, I'm cringing too. Anyway, the whole asking to prom thing, that's actually exactly what went down with me and my crush word for word just without as much detail so that part is actually true. This is also just exactly the type of person he is. He's just so sweet and kind :') Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. I've been so swamped with trying to finish up my online school because our school is basically done I just need to get caught up, then I'm officially done with my Junior year of high school and I'll be a Senior. I can't believe I'm already a Senior holy moly. Anyway, I would say I'll write more after, but I have to turn in my Chromebook and I don't have my own laptop at home. I would write on my phone but I don't have enough space on my phone to download the app :( I'm really sorry I've been so MIA I've just been so swamped. I do hope to try and write a little more and I know I always say that, but I always mean it even if I can't always make it happen. Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night <3

crush/boyfriend imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora