Yule Ball Date

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Hi everyone! So a quick note before we begin, in this story it uses Y/H which means Your House, so if you are a slytherin, just pretend you are in Gryffindor for this story. Also, Y/F/N means Your Friends Name. Enjoy!


As I sat on the couch next to my best friend, I felt the stares of the other students. Since I was friends with Y/F/N, I often hung out in the Slytherin common room. They didn't much appreciate a Y/H being in Slytherin territory.

"Did you and your sister really stop talking to each other? I mean if it were true, you would've told me right? I was guessing it wasn't true, because I heard it from someone else and not you, but I mean you could've forgotten right?" Y/F/N's voice trailed off. All I could think about was how everyone was staring at me. If I was being honest, I wish Y/F/N noticed my uncomfortableness. I would much rather be in the library or some place where all the houses can be at once and not be stared at.

"Earth to Y/N," Y/F/N waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, having no clue what his previous statement was.

"I said, did you and your sister really stop talking to each other?" Y/F/N repeated himself. I scoffed.

"How'd you know?" Hermione, my twin sister, told me never to talk to her again after I had simply stated my opinion. She thought it was stupid about Ron and Harry fighting over Harry being picked for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, where I agree with Ron, but of course, my opinion is wrong and she got mad at me for no reason. Hermione often got angry over small things lately.

"I heard Draco and his goons talking about it earlier in the Great Hall," he sighed, most likely upset about me not telling him about mine and Hermione's argument.

"Draco?" I scoffed, "Why would he be talking about me?"

"Because you are Hermione's sister, and Hermione is friends with Harry. He probably figures he could bring you to the dark side to finally take Harry down," Y/F/N chuckled. I rolled my eyes, expecting a serious answer. I didn't get one.

"I'm gonna head back to my dorm, see you tomorrow, Y/F/N," I smiled as I stood up, walking to my dorm. I kept thinking about why Draco would be talking about me. He barely even acknowledges my existence, and when he did, it was to call me a mudblood.


I was walking to Potions class when I heard, "Watch it, you filthy mudblood," as I accidentally bumped into someone. Draco Malfoy.

"Shut it, Malfoy," Y/F/N scoffed at him.

"How dare you speak to me like that, you blood traitor." I rolled my eyes as he insulted Y/F/N. Hermione and I were muggle-born, whereas Y/F/N and Draco were pure bloods. Y/F/N was known as a blood traitor because he, a pure blood, was friends with me, a muggle-born.

Draco and Y/F/N stepped towards each other, both prepared to remove their wands from their pockets. "Boys, stop!" I said trying to push Y/F/N away from Draco. Malfoy chuckled at my struggling, causing me to become slightly more annoyed with him. "Don't make me just let him go," I scowled my brows, causing Draco to gain interest.

"You think Y/F/N can take me?" He chuckled. I simply nodded. "I'm going to walk away, not because I can't take him, but because I can't be around your idiocy anymore," he over explained, just so he didn't seem like a coward. Sad thing is, I believe he truly was walking away because he couldn't stand me thinking Y/F/N could take him in a duel. I scoffed playfully, then turned to Y/F/N to see if he was okay.


"Psst," I heard from across the room, it was Hermione signaling for my attention. I looked at her confused, as it hasn't been that long since she stopped talking to me, and her stupid tantrums usually lasted awhile. "Did you really talk Draco out of dueling with Y/F/N?" she asked as though it was impossible.

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