I'm Fine

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I told the boys that Benny wasn't feeling well and that we were going to head home. They asked me a bunch of questions but I told them that I would fill them in tomorrow when I see them. I gave them all hugs and when I was about to walk away to meet Benny at the entrance the boys yell my name and say "Anna!" I turn back and say "yeah?" "Are you ok?" When they said this it struck me. I quickly said "Yeah I'm just worried about Benny." And I was but I also had my own feeling to deal with as well. But there no time to. I walk to the entrance of the fair and see Benny siting on a patch of grass. I run over to him and pick him up. He looks at me and doesn't say anything and we make our way home.

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Anna and me start walking home. But it's quiet between us and it seems like neither one of us wants to break the stillness. Right now my feelings are all over the place. I'm hurt about Destiny, don't get me wrong, but I think I'm more hurt about what she said to Anna. All I really cared about was Anna. I wanted to make sure she was ok. I look over at her while we are walking. I can tell she is hurt because she won't even look in my direction. I reach my hand and grab hers. She looks at our hands and then looks at me. She smiles and says "Benny you ok? I know it must hurt." I quickly say "Yeah...a little but as long as I'm with you, I know I will be ok." She smiles and looks down. I look at her and realize she still has my hoodie on which makes me smile. We finally arrived at our houses. Anna turns to me and looks straight into my eyes. Her eyes are glowing. She finally says "Goodnight Benny. If you need anything just text me." She smiles and starts to head to her front door but I grab her hand and pull her close. I say "Can you spend the night at my house? I just don't want to be alone." She says "Umm...yeah...sure. Let me just grab some stuff from my house and let my sister know." I nod and she heads into her house.

𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

I walk into my house and close the door behind me. I take a deep breathe once I've shut the door. My sister is in the kitchen and says "Sister where have you—" but she cuts off as she looks at my face. She immediately says "Are you ok!? What happened?" I tell her everything that went down. What happened at the fair and what happened with Destiny. I say to her "Benny is hurt and I can tell. He asked me if I can spend the night at his house cause he doesn't want to be alone." She looks at me and says "Oh ok. That's fine. My friends are in my room, they are spending the night too. But sister are you ok?" And there was that question again. The question I honestly didn't want to answer. The question I knew I could avoid for little while longer. "Yep fine. Just worried about Benny. I got go he is waiting." Before she can tell me something else I head upstairs. I grab a pair of pjs and clean clothes for the morning and I leave the house. I walk outside and Benny is siting on the curb waiting for me. He stands up as he sees me and we walk to his house.

𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

I open the door and Anna and I walk into my house. My mom is at work and I tell Anna "Cmon, my room is this way." We walk into my room and Anna looks around. She looks at all the pictures and posters I have in my room. She puts her bag down and sits on my bed. She smiles and says "I like the posters on your wall Benny. They all have to do with baseball." She giggles a little. I smile at her and say "Thanks." I sit on the bed with her and ask "You wanna watch a movie?" "Sure" she says. I pick a random movie and we both lay next to each other watching the movie. I look at Anna and think to myself 'She is so beautiful. The way her eyes light up and the way her lips sit on her face. Why I am just noticing this now? She has always been right in front of me. Always there for me.'

𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕒 ℙ𝕆𝕍:

Hanging out with Benny or just being near him makes me happy. I just need to remember that he just broke it off with Destiny and he probably, deep down, still likes her. I take a deep breathe because I also have to remember that it is not about me. I need to think to myself 'I'm fine' and nothing else. I start getting sleepy and Benny turns off the tv. He pulls me close to him and we both fall asleep. I fall asleep feeling Benny's warmth with butterflies in my stomach. I realize that I love Benny Rodriguez and I hope I have the guts to tell him one day. 

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