Chapter Twenty Nine:

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Hermione told Lily all about how Ron had chosen to ask her to the ball as a last resort. Lily agreed that it was quite rude, even if he didn't mean for it to come across like that. What Hermione refused to tell Lily though, was who she had decided to go to the Yule ball with, or why she had suddenly stopped knitting nearly as much and spent all of her time in the library- even more than usual, so she was practically living in there.

Both Harry and Ron remained dateless, until the two finally managed to ask Parvati if she and her sister would like to go to the ball with them. While Parvati was able to go, she also informed them that Padma unfortunately already had a date.

So Ron was set to go with Parvati while Harry remained dateless.

Lily was talking to December about the ball, and how she didn't know who to go with. Neville was already going with Ginny, who had given up on the idea of Harry asking her a bit too soon. Lena was going with Dean, Luna with Seamus, and the last Lily heard, Draco already had a date- a fact he informed her of, sounding more solemn than someone with a date should sound.

"You should go with my brother, October!" December gasped.

"Um, well-" Lily said.

"He's in fifth year, and he's pretty nice!"

"I don't know, won't it be weird?" Lily asked.

December gave her an extremely confused look.

"Why would that be weird?" She asked.

Lily shrugged.

"I'll ask him!" December decided, "And he's bound to say yes because he needs a date too! ... plus, he owes me!"

"Owes you? For what?" Lily asked.

"I lied and told my sister Ember that he didn't eat her gummy bears on the train, when he totally did! He said he'd owe me a favor, so I told her it must've been some cat." December explained.


"I'll go now!" December beamed, hoping up and preparing to race away.

"Wait, Deci!" Lily called, causing the Ravenclaw to pause, "Do you still need a date to the ball?"

"Um, well, I suppose- in a traditional sense- which is to say- when one is a person such as I- well, I'm a witch, but-" December trailed off at Lily's sigh, "Okay. Yes. Yes. I am in need of accompaniment. To the ball thingy. Yes."

"Would you want to go with Harry?" Lily asked.

"Harry? Sure! He and I go way back to that time I had you steal a book from the library and it looked like he wanted to kill my guts!"

"Oh... if you guys don't-"

"No! I'd love to go with him! Tell him I'm in!"

"Okay." Lily agreed, "And thanks for talking to October for me."

"No problem!"

Lily set about finding Harry, who was sulking in the hallway after asking Cho to the ball and finding out she was going with Cedric.

"Hey Harry!" Lily greeted.


"I've got some good news for you!"

"I could really use that right about now." He sighed.

"I found you a date to the ball!" Lily exclaimed.

"Really?! Lil, you're the best!" Harry grinned, hugging her, "Who is it?"


His arms went slack. Harry leaned out of the hug to see his sister's face.

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