Chapter Five:

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Once the train pulled into the Hogsmeade station, Lily was told to cross the lake with all of the first years. Apparently Hogwarts didn't really get many transfers, so their system was a bit odd. After reaching the other side of the lake and marveling at the castle, Lily was lead into the Great Hall by McGonagall.

"Wow!" A first year boy gasped from beside Lily.

He then turned to her, and began to talk.

"This is amazing, isn't it?!" He asked.

She nodded.

"You're very tall." The boy mentioned, "Especially for an eleven year old."

"Oh, I'm, um, not eleven." Lily said quietly, "I'm thirteen."

"Huh?" He asked, but never got his answer, for McGonagall had began the sorting process.

Lily waited patiently for her name to be called, anxiously looking around the room for her brother. She found him at the red table, alongside Hermione and the Weasleys. Lena sat at a different table, a yellow one.

"Potter, Lily." McGonagall called and Lily jumped.

She quickly scurried up to the stool. One of the Professors dressed in dark robes was staring intensely at her, but she swallowed her discomfort and sat down. All eyes were on her. The sorting hat was placed upon her head and she waiting in anticipation.


Lily jumped at the sudden voice in her head.

You are quite the well rounded one, aren't you my dear? Plenty of loyalty, a sharp mind, ambition and...hmm... bravery. Yes, you are quite the brave little witch. I'm terribly sorry about that aunt of yours. Remember- help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask

Now Lily was quite confused. Brave? She was the exact opposite of brave, she jumped at the smallest of sounds and had more fears than she could count. Nevertheless, the sorting hat had made its decision.


The while red table clapped loudly, but Harry must've been the loudest. Lily walked over to the table and students moved aside so that she could sit next to Harry.

"Congratulations, Lily!" Fred grinned.

"Thank you." Lily replied, shyly.

The rest of the students were sorted and the feast began. Once all the students were filled with the delicious food, they made their way to their common rooms. Lily followed her fellow Gryffindors to the room she would call home for the next ten months.

"You'll be rooming in there." A Gryffindor prefect told Lily, pointing to a room.

Lily nodded and walked over to open the door. She was roommates with Hermione and two other girls named Parvati and Lavender.

"Hi, I'm Lavender Brown!" Said girl greeted Lily, in a giddy voice.

"And I'm Parvati Patil." The other smiled.

"Lily Potter." Lily said quietly.

"We know!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Your brother is Harry." Parvati explained.

"Harry's famous." Lavender said.

Lily nodded and the two girls exchanged glances.

"So, why are you starting school so late?" Lavender asked.

"Oh, um-" Lily began before Lavender cut her off.

"I mean, you aren't stupid or anything, are you?" She asked.

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