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Taehyung slept on the air mattress on the floor and Jungkook on his bed. It was silent. Jungkook looked up. It was late at night but he couldn't sleep. Jungkook licked his dry lips.

"Are you awake?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah," Taehyung responded.

"Do you wanna sleep with me?"

"Yeah." Taehyung got up from the mattress and very quickly situated himself on the small bed alongside Jungkook, who giggled. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist and threw his leg over Jungkook's.

Then sleep came easier.

The next morning, Taehyung was up early while Jungkook slept in. The sound of talking and smell of a breakfast roast wafted from downstairs. Jungkook urged himself to step out of bed and walk downstairs, only to find Taehyung's family.

"Bye sweetheart." Taehyung's father said, kissing Taehyung's mother on the lips very quickly, making her smile.

"Ewwww." Yerim exclaimed. Taehyung's father tsked and kissed the children on their foreheads before rushing out for work. Taehyung's mother set down plates of breakfast on the table.

"Here mom, I made you coffee," Taehyung said, setting down a cup on the table for her. She turned to him and began pulling his cheeks excessively, gushing about how cute he was. Taehyung chuckled out.

She finally let Taehyung be, and the red-haired boy darted his eyes to the stairs and let himself smile fondly upon seeing Jungkook, who was just standing there, watching. Taehyung beckoned him to come downstairs. Jungkook walked, and before Taehyung could get a word in-

"Here Jungkook, I made you coffee," Beomgyu said, setting a cup down for him. Jungkook looked a bit taken aback, but then smiled at the 17-year-old boy who'd clearly styled his hair a little and was wearing nice clothes. Jungkook took the cup, giving him a soft thank you.

Taehyung pursed his lips, giving a glare to Beomgyu. Yerim sighed. "Boys are so annoying thank god I'm gay."

"You're twelve."

"And? I'm gay."

"Fair enough." Taehyung sighed. He saw Jungkook sit down beside Chaewon, who was showing him some pictures of an art piece she painted. Jungkook said it looked incredible. Taehyung moved to sit down beside him, but Beomgyu sat before he could.

"You're incredible," Beomgyu said to Jungkook, leaning in. "Tell me, Jungkook. Do you like younger boys?"

"Beomgyu you're underage." Yerim snapped.

"And? I'm gay."

"I hate my children." Taehyung's mother said, and then began putting some rice on Jungkook's plate. "So, what's your plan for today, Taehyung-ah?"

"I thought I'd show Jungkook around," Taehyung said, taking a bite of his breakfast. "Take him to town."

"Ooh." Taehyung's mom said with a small knowing smile. "A date."

"No." Jungkook and Taehyung squeaked quickly, glancing at each other for a split second before looking back at their food and taking bites too big. The kids giggled.

After breakfast, Taehyung and Jungkook went to town. Their shoulders touched as Jungkook eyed the local markets selling pastries and coffee and fruits and wool.

"My school was on that hill," Taehyung said, pointing. Jungkook looked across the town and saw a little hill not so far away with some houses atop it. Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

His thumb brushed across the corner of Taehyung's mouth, letting it glide across his lip for a second. Taehyung looked surprised, cheeks turning red. Jungkook brought his thumb back and propped it in his mouth for a second to lick the icing off. Taehyun gulped.

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