Got their scents memorized?


Then you can track them down later if you're bored enough.

Miwa agreed then teleported back to the hotel room.

"Where have you been?" Killua asked when Miwa appeared on their shared bed.

"I—" Miwa started, but then stopped, wondering where she should even begin to describe the crazy events she had witnessed. She fished around in her messenger bag for a moment before pulling out the scroll she used to steal all the items.

Gon hopped out of his bed, frowning curiously at the scroll she was holding up. "What's that, Miwa?"

"All the items that were supposed to be auctioned off tonight," she said, eliciting surprised looks from her friends.

The surprise didn't last long, though.

Gon was immediately rushing toward her, eyes sparkling with bright curiosity and admiration. "Whoa! You stole everything?! So quick?! Did you get caught? What happened? Tell me, tell me!"

"Are you an idiot?! You just made yourself the number one target of the entire mafia!" Killua scolded, his tone conveying anger and concern.

"Yeah, no—um—someone else is taking the credit for it," she started to say. "Or at least they blame someone else. Um... you guys have to listen to this."

Gon and Killua exchanged glances.


"And the guy had a spider tattoo on his back?" Killua asked to clarify when Miwa was done explaining.


"That would be the Phantom Troupe then," Killua told her then grinned. "Of course the mafia will think they did it. Who are they more likely to believe stole all their stuff? A well-known group of thieves, or one girl?"

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun," Gon said, tossing the storage scroll up and down. "Did you find the game?"

"I don't think so," said Miwa with a headshake. "To be honest I don't know what to do with any of the stuff I got."

"My mom has some connections. She could probably pawn it off," Killua mentioned.

"Then I guess I'll send it over to her. Well, first I need to steal everything," Miwa corrected. "Ten days of auctions so there's still nine more attempts to get the game. Unless I can find out where they're stashing everything."

Gon grinned at her. "Or unless we come up with enough money to properly buy it."

"Yeah," Miwa deadpanned, not believing for a second they would. "Good luck with that."

Miwa stretched out her arms and yawned.

Gon smiled at her. "You must be tired. Why don't we go to bed?"

"Okay." Miwa said, rubbing at her eyes before starting to change into her pajamas.

"Stop changing in front of us," Killua hissed as he quickly grabbed Gon and fled to the bathroom so she could finish changing. Miwa always thought that was silly, but whatever.

She changed into her cute pink night dress she bought back in Heaven's Arena then hopped into the only bed. Only a single room was available due to the auctions going on, so the three of them were going to share. Not that any of them minded. It was well known that Miwa was a comfortable heater who liked the cuddles. Gon liked to cuddle too. Killua had been pretty stiff at first, but he was starting to get comfortable with Miwa curling into him.

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