Put Your Hand In Mine

Start from the beginning

April kills the engine of her Honda, and I open the door and slide out, the cold night air pricking my cheeks and burning my nostrils. I wrap my arms around myself as I wait for the girls to join me outside. Yuna is applying more foundation onto her face through April's top mirror and Tia seems to be adjusting the cuffs of her bra. I take the moment to look around, admiring the architecture of the yard. There are beautifully planted roses on either side of the pavement and in-ground lights are embedded into different sections of the grass. Whoever blueprinted this place has some good design skills.

"Sorry to have you waiting out here." April smiles as she climbs out of the driver's seat. "Aww, you look cold. Maybe we should have brought a jacket for you. That top tends to get cold after a while."

The girls are wearing strapless tops with hardly anything covering their thighs, but from the looks of it, they are bearing the chilliness quite fine. Unquestionably, they have partied out in the cold on numerous occasions.

"It's because it's almost the Christmas season, so you know the air is a bit chilly," Yuna adds.

"Okay, let's get inside quickly," Tia begs as she fixes one of her dropped earrings.

We make our way up the steps that lead to the large, timber doors of the house. I glance around one more time as April knocks on the door a few times, and soon it opens to reveal a roomful of people and a smiling James.

He looks nice. He's wearing a blue, striped dress shirt with black ripped jeans. His brown hair is faded at the sides with loose curls at the top, and sparkling, gold nob earrings decorate his earlobes. James is quite an attractive guy; I am confused as to why April doesn't seem to like him.

"Goodnight ladies." He smiles, but he's particularly gushing at April who is pretending not to care while she picks at her nails.

"Are you going to let us in?" She says sassily, and he steps aside with a broad grin, granting us space to enter.

"Woah, you look nice Harmony," he says as I walk past him, causing my cheeks to go up in flames.

"Thank you." I smile politely.

He playfully throws an arm around my neck, the friendly gesture catching me off guard as I stiffen awkwardly. "Blaze would love to see you now," he whispers, causing me to look at him. He sends me a subtle wink to which I blush and look away.

Blaze and I aren't even talking, so I doubt he wants to see me here.

"Where is Blaze?" April looks around the crowded room of intoxicated young people; most of them dancing and grinding against each other as if it's their last day on earth. I shift my weight in discomfort, not liking the setting and not finding the courage to face the boy who told me to stay away from him.

James reaches for a red cup off the tray a guy is passing with, shrugging his shoulders to April's question. "He's around here somewhere. Probably banging a chick upstairs."

His words make me look at him and he opens his eyes wide. "Sorry, Harmony. I wasn't supposed to say that in your presence."

Yeah, I was good from all that knowledge.

"Just shut up and text him, James!" April orders.

"Okay. Jesus, you're so short-tempered." He grabs his cell from his jeans and begins to tap away, the rim of the cup tucked between his teeth.

Inside is just as cold as the outside because of the air conditions, and I rub my pimpled covered arm to create some amount of warmth.

"He's coming," James announces.

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