𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗

Start from the beginning

I came back 20 minutes later with 2 pumpkin spice lattes and cookies. Steve looked up from his book when I walked in.
"Bucky. You had like 3 yesterday and the day before and the day before that."
"What's your point" I asked, handing a cup to Peter and a little peice of a cookie to Peggy.
"My point is that you're addicted and you need to stop"
"Why. They're nice. And if you think about it. I've never been Starbucks. You go. and you bought me this first so if you ReAllY think about it. it's your fault" I looked over to Peter who was drinking, hiding his smile.
"i- *sigh* nevermind"
I leaned back and put my feet on the coffee table, winked at him and raised my glass with a smug look on my face before taking a sip. "ahhhh. perfect" he rolled his eyes and went back to his book.


"So Pete. what do you wanna do today. it's Halloween." I said, coming downstairs after putting Peggy down for a nap.
"oh yeah I was gonna ask about that. Do you mind taking me and Wade trick or treating. Dad doesn't let me drive yet and I don't trust Wade driving. he doesn't keep his eyes on the road. He keeps looking at me. i mean it's cute and all but I don't wanna die. So can you?"
"*chuckle* I wouldn't either. but yeah. I don't mind. we could come as well with Peggy. wow her first Halloween. Can't believe it"
"Yeah. crazy I know. so what time shall wade come over?"
it was 1 30pm right now. "ummm maybe 6?"
"Oki" he took his phone out and started talking to Wade.


"Good afternoon pumpkin. Guess what. we're going trick or treating with Pete today and you can dress up" I told her while changing her diaper. Aw shit. we need a costume. lemme call Nat. after I changed pegs I called Nat.

"Heyyy Nat"

"Buckyyyyy. how you doingggg"

"I'm doing fine.....are you okay?"

"yeah of course. what do you need"

"I was wondering if you had any baby costumes for Peggy for Halloween."

"*clears throat* I got you. what time do you need it by?"

"5 30"

"Say no more. I'll get it by then. Bye gurlllllllllll"

"Nat. I know you're with Okoye and Carol but please sober up. you're scaring me"

"*laughs and scoffs* I'm not drunk buck. its......3 20"

"ok. just ge the costume her before 6. love you bye"


I hung up and ran my fingers through my hair. She is such a different person when she's with Okoye and Carol.

I took Peggy downstairs and saw Wade on the couch with Peter's head on his lap.
"Hey Mr Bucky. how are you. long time no see"
"yeah....I'm good. how are you"
"I'm doing great thank you. How's Peggy." he picked her up and Peter sat up and rested his head on his shoulder. Peggy soon occupied his lap and was playing with Wade's fingers.
"Hey Pegs. wanna see something really cool" he reached over to the back of the couch and pulled out a katana.
"WADE NO." I reached over and took Peggy, who was currently laughing and clappin her hands, from him. "As cool as they are, she's too young. when she's older, you can teach her how to use a knife."
"BUCKY no" Steve shouted as he walked out from the gym. "No" I looked at wade, rolled my eyes and took the katana away from him.
*doorbell rings*
I put Peggy in her playpen and went to open the door. Nat held up a bag of the costumes.
"I've got it" Nat said as she walked in.
"Thanks so much."
"I've got options. 3 to be precise" she walked over to the coffee table and laid out three different costumes.

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