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this is also a short chapter

bucky's pov
"it's bedtime Pegster. tomorrow we're gonna go grocery shopping. yaay" I said while making her formula.

I put her to sleep and went downstairs to join Steve. We watched Titanic. it was my first time.

"Rose is a bitch. What's wrong with her. THERE WAS SO MUCH SPACE ON THE DOOR. If they balanced it out they would've fit. dumb bitch" I threw the tissue box at the TV.
"Babe calm down."

steve's pov
"......GODDAMNIT" he sat down with his head in his hands. I couldnt help but laugh. He looked up at me with a death glare. I wrapped him in a hug, still laughing.
"I know baby. he was very cute. he shouldn't have. it's just a movie though"
he rested his head on my shoulder and calmed down. I smiled at his sensitiveness.
"Steve its not funny. I know you're smiling" I stifled a laugh.
"I know babe. I know. I'm sorry." but I wasn't sorry.
bucky's pov
I turned around to face Steve. his eyes were shut.
"Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine" I smirked, knowing he can't see. He opened his eyes. "What?"
"You fucking heard me"
"Buck i-"
I silenced him by crashing our lips together. It took him a while before he fully realised what's happening. I rolled on top of him. He placed his hands on my waist. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted with pleasure. He slid his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch and crevice, tracing the roof and then circling my own tongue. His hands slid down my waist, onto my hips. He dipped the tip of his fingers into the waistband of my boxers. we pulled away for air.

"Mr Rogers. Miss Peggy has entered your room" Jarvis interrupted.

I rolled off Steve as he got up quickly. "Jarvis. turn the brightness up" He ordered. The dim-litted room brightened up to reveal Peggy crawling towards Steve. He looked at me before picking her up.
"Pegster. How did you get in here" I asked as they sat on the bed. She pointed towards the door and then started squirming in Steve's arms. He placed her on our bed and laid down. She crawled onto my chest and quickly drifted off to sleep. I placed a hand on her back and looked at Steve with pure confusion on my face.
"Tomorrow." he whispered. "Jarvis switch the lights off please."
I walked into the kitchen and saw Peggy eating plum slices in her highchair while Steve cooked some breakfast. (it was 9 30am).
"Hey babe." I said, leaning against the fridge watching Peggy.
"Good morning hun. How are y-"
"Stevie. Shut up. You can't miss the elephant in the room"
he sighed."I know. Jarvis. how did Peggy enter our room"

"It seems to me that she......used teleportation."
I looked at him, lost for words.
"Maybe we could take her to Bruce after we go grocery shopping"
"That's an....an idea" I said walking towards Peggy carefully.
"Hey Bruce."
"Hey guys. Hey Pegs. Come in. Make your self at home. Sorry for the mess. Tony" he said clearing the coffee table that was covered in papers and blueprints.
"Haha that's ok. We just wanted to ask you a question" steve said, sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him with Peggy on my lap, who was playing with my keys.
"So last night me and Buck were about to....you know when Jarvis said that Peggy was in our room...." Banner raise his eyebrows "....so this morning we asked Jarvis how she got in when our door was shut and he said that she used teleportation. Is that...." Bruce's eyes widened as he leaned back on the armchair. "one of her powers?" he finished Steve's sentence.
"I mean yeah. I could take a test if you like"
"That'll be fine. Come on Pegster"
"Yup she can teleport."
"Like Jack-Jack?" I asked picking up Peggy.
Bruce chuckled "exactly like Jack Jack. but she only teleports when she's frightened or threatened or worried or bored by the looks of it. and she needs to see inside a place to teleport to it."
"Like the NightCrawler"
Steve rolled his eyes. Bruce chuckled again "yup. but when she gets older you'll have to teach her how to control it."
"We can do that. Right Buck?"
"Great. so that's that. anymore questions" Bruce asked.
"No. we should get going now. It's naptime" Steve said walking towards the door.
"Ah ok"
"Teleportation eh" I said climbing into bed next Steve who was drawing something in his sketchbook.
"I know. who knew we'd live to see it"
I smiled and cupped the back of Steve's neck and leaned in for a kiss. He rolled on top of me and slid his hands around my back.
"Mr Rogers. Miss Peggy has entered your room"
"for fucks sake" I whispered while Steve got up.

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