Coming Back:Part 2

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Third Pov:

As the 16 year old gril is sitting down waiting for someone who she only been talking with through phone to come and walk her around the school.

10 minutes later...End of Third POV

Y/n POV:

I hear a door open and i turned so fast around and jumped up because i finally saw my bestie body standing there who i havent been able to hug and go places with for the past 2 in a half years.

She said as she ran to hug her bestie she's knew since 6th grade.
Y/n: Omfg...I cant believe that you go here. I was so scared because when they said your name i was just shocked.
Christa: Ik i forgot to tell and ask. I also have a suprise for you.
she said as they walked into the hallway
Y/n: You...suprises, yeah ok.
Christa: Im serious...They have been waiting a while, lets go into the cafiteria.
She said as she ran and jumped into her besties arms and went to hug the guys.
Y/n: I missed you soo fucking much.
Carli: We missed you also bitch...Nowwww you have to stop fighting because i need you...even though we got expelled to but we didnt go to-
Y/n: Yea yeah, I know yall didnt go to juvie. And big final question...Who is dating, because i see alot of lovey dovey eyeballing going on.
Christa:....Well that another suprise we have...
She said as Carli walked to Alejondro and Christa walked to Kairi.
Y/n:....I fucking i fucking knew it. For how long.
Kai:6 months for me and Christa
Ale:5 months for me and Carli
Y/n: And for mr.quiet over here. she said as she laughed.
Mattia: he chuckled...Y-yeah sorry umm ha no i dont have anyone right now.
Y/n: Well you need someone...She said as she looked in her first crush eyes.

The bell rings for 2nd period...

When I say mattia was FINE asf I wanted to just kiss him. He is sooo fine. I guess he had a glow up just like rest of us ha. I jusy wanted to fuck the shit out of him right then and there.

Mattia POV:

As we were waiting in the gym to suprise y/n who was in juvie for quite some time. I got nervous because ive always had a crush on her she is just so fucking fine asf. When she walked in the room i almost got  boner just by looking at her. She has a big fat plumb ass and Big boobs. I was just admiring her for a little. But i dont wanna hurt her because im a fuckboy.

Y/n:And for mr.quiet over here. she said as he laughed.

GODDAMNIT her smile is soooo fucking adorable and cute and sexy.

I chuckled at her laugh and smile.

Mattia:Y-yeah umm sorry umm ha i dont have anyone right now

Yeah cause im waiting for your fine ass

Y/n Pov:

We went all went to second period i had it with my besties. I was kinds upset that i didnt have mattia in it but i know i ahve other classes with him.

Wynter: Looks who's in her fucking head about MATTIAAA POLIBIOOO.
Y/n: Omfg stopp. Should i tell him i have feelings for him.
Wynter/Christa/Carli: Hell Yeah they said as they laughed together.
Y/n: Ok i might tell him when you guys come over to my house tonight, you know like a little sleep over.
The girls: Alright.
Carli: But....I wanna tell you something that i think will hurt your feelings...He's a-
Y/n: He's a fuckboy huh.
the girls: Yeah
Y/n: So if i was to go out into the hallway at the end of the hallway he would be kissing a girl.
Carli: Yeah.


Teacher: Ok guys i will see you tmr, make sure you turn in your work.

Im getting scared as i walk into the hallway. I really like mattia or love him maybe both.

Y/n: Ok im ready to cry even tho im a bad bitch.
Carli: We are here ok just be brave.
Christa: Yeah we will fight him and her.


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