Heart break

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4 days later...

Y/n POV:

It's been 4 days since I gave birth to Bella. We had to stay  in the hospital because she's so little. I only got to hold her 3 times. Everyone came by to see her and check up on me. Im kinda scared though. They said we can take her home. I honestly didn't want to let her go when she went to get her chack ups. I've been depressed and shit. Mattia hasn't held her. When the doctors asked if he wanted to hold her he looked scared and horrified at the site of her. It pissed me off because it his daughter, no matter what your supposed to love your kid regardless. It hurt me but I brushed it off.

Right now they are getting the discharged papers for me and the baby so we can finally go home. They gave us some new clothes because of how small she is.

They gave me the discharged papers. I was getting ready to go while my mom helped me because Mattia wasn't here.

Y/m: You know that little bitch of a boyfriend should be here helping out.
Y: MA...I know okay, he just wasn't perpared for her to come this early.
Y/m: Yeah well neither were you. He's being a little bitch like he always has.
Y: Ma can we talk about this later please.
Y/m: No we are talking about this now. Listen...I love that you are hapy with him and all...But baby you need yo do something about it. He hasn't held her since she was born y/n. And it pisses me off that he's acting like this. Next time I see him I'm not going to be nice.
Y: Ma next time you are going to nothing because I'm going to handle it. Okay.
Y/m: Yeah you handle it but if he doesn't change that's a sign right there that he isn't ready and will never be ready. He's being a  irresponsible little nigga and needs to step the fuck up. Like the look on his face when he saw her. He looked terrified. Like what kinda of shit is that. The look he should of had was "Omg that my baby, she is gorgeous" not "What.The.Fuck. is that. ewww. gross" I really wann just rip his fucking ey-

The doctor came in interrupting my mom. Thank fucking god.

Dc: You car is waiting for you in the front.
Y/m: Thank you. You ready baby.
Y: Yea.

We walked out to the car are they rolled me out in a wheelchair.

We were driving and I decided to text Mattia to see where the fuck he was at.


Y: Hey babe. Umm where are you because I'm heading home right now. So I'm hoping to see you there. Love you.

                                 M: Yeah and we have to talk when you get here. Love you to.


When I saw that my heart almost stopped. I kept thinking the worse. Like Is he going to break up with me because of the baby. Does he not want her.

30 minutes later...

We got to the house and we saw his Mom getting groceries out the car. When she saw us she looked excited and ran in the house to put up groceries away.

We walked in the house and I was just sitting on the couch waiting for him to come up.

M: Hey...Can we talk.


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