Chapter 12 My Brat || My Girl|| Edited

Start from the beginning

Bang !! Bang !! Bang !!

"This jerk!" She cussed under her breath when the bangs became more impatient. Picking up her pace she bolts opened the door before it was ripped to the ground from its hinges.

She knew it was him, only him, cause no one would be behaving like a caveman early in the morning.

As soon as she opened the door, there stood a fuming Taehyung at her doorstep.

He growled, "What took you so long to open this god-damn door?"

Giving him a stone face, she rolled her eyes as her answer. Her bored pissed look was fueling his anger. His bark was hanging in the air when she decided to snap, "What do you want?"

His anger grew unmeasurable bounds. If looks could kill she would be 100 ft but she looked at him nonchalantly. His cold body and shivering gaze had the least effect on her. Instead of looking at him with fear she looked at him in disgust.

"You fuxki--- he was cut off by his phone ringing he spoke, "Yeah, dad we will be there in half an hour." She looked at him muddled.

He said, more like ordered, "Get ready."

"What... where?"

He snapped irately at her face, "Are you fuxking blind that you didn't see me talking to my dad? Stop with your tantrums and get the fuxk out of bed. I'm dragging you out even if you are half-naked if you aren't ready within an hour." He marched off leaving her dumbstruck.

"The fuxked up arxehole! How dare he! Why won't he just die!" She gritted her teeth, her eyes not moving away from the corridor he vanished into.

She wanted to scream, yell, punch, feed him cockroaches and snakes and strangle him to death. But she knew all these thoughts are reserved only in her head. Slamming the door shut she walked into the washroom to start her daily routine.

She wore a V-neck baggy ash top matched with a black leather jacket and black jeans. Tied her hair to the ponytail and slipped on her black sneakers completing her look. As she descended the stairs she saw him heading towards the car. Dropping the new chocolate pouch and her phone into her LV bag she followed him with an almost sulking face.

He was wearing the exact dress code as her. Hot flushes creased her cheeks as she lowered her gaze when he turned around.
Her heart fluttered when she saw him with his black Ray-Ban casual black shades that would swoon any woman on earth. He was admittedly hot and out of the world. This was the first ever time she saw him in casuals. Even back in the resort, he was dressed in a typical Hawaiian dress. And this white-T paired with his black ripped jeans and jacket was killing! Giving her a pissed look he walked towards his black Aston Martin.

She heard him yell breaking her thoughts, "You have legs to walk, not to crawl. Even a toddler will walk faster than your duck steps."

"How in the world I married him? Such a heartless jerk..." she cursed to herself and walked towards her seat. Getting in, she slammed the door shut with a smirk making him scowl.

Aria's touch !!!

Being well aware of him she plugged her AirPods and looked out, through the window.

They were in the high lands only for the elites. It would take 30 mins just to exit his empty colonial mansion as he lives in a wholeness enormous chateaux. When Aria reached this place it was midnight already, so she could not admire this stunning mansion. This time she took her time to study this beautiful place.

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