Chapter 11 || His forbidden wife|| Edited

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Soon after the encounter with Tina, her attention shifted to me

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Soon after the encounter with Tina, her attention shifted to me. Anger painted her soft features when she shot her infamous pissed glare at me.

"How dare you slap my guest? Didn't I warn you not to put your nose in my business?" I snapped at her, masking my amusement. With motives, I pulled a fit. I didn't want to be slapped by the Ice Queen burning in rage.

A mocking laugh filled her lips. Her facial features were soft yet not her eyes. They were hard and burning. "Well, if I may add, I was wrong to just have slapped your fuxktoy. I should have shot you both on spot. And you're gravely mistaken if you expect me to allow you to cheat on me, or that I'll hesitate to slap you, Mr husband."

Told ya... I patted myself internally for reacting first.

"How dare you---- I snarled again, and she cut me off by kicking my foot. I groaned in pain.

An intimidating aura radiated from her as she said, "It isn't surprising me, to find you adopt low-key tricks to make me cave into your arrogance and beg your mercy to save this marriage. Build yourself a grave and move in the very instant; if you expect me to cry for your habits. Or like a naive woman, let you enjoy until you realise my worth. Never in a million years, I'll let you live a peaceful life after messing with me. Whatever rules you asked me to follow, apply to you too."

None can threaten or bound Kim Taehyung within their rules, including her, my ego barked.

I snubbed, " Ms Smarty pants you lack memory. I was crystal clear when I mentioned, "mind your own business."

She scoffed rolling her eyes, "What you are doing is insulting, you idiot. If you want to have flings you should have not married, at least not me. But unfortunately, we both are married, so behave, appropriately. Whether you accept it or not, you are my husband. Which means you are mine. I don't like to share what is mine. Mine is only mine, end of story!"

The only thing that seemed quite appealing in her threats was the fact that I am her husband. She respects our marriage. She is not what you think Tae, warmed my heart.

Disregarding the sweet words that spread tingles throughout my body, I decided to fry her nerves by ignoring her threats. Who wouldn't like some hot threats from his hot wifey?

With a mocking laugh, I said smirking, "What makes you think that I would listen to you, my brat?"

The words that left her lips, made me choke on my laughter.

It was not even a moment ago I bragged Kim Taehyung can never be threatened, or bound by rules but she proved me wrong in every single way and also made herself exclusive.

Proved me wrong that she would threaten and bound me to her rules, also the exclusive one to challenge me. The surprising part is she WINS !!

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