Revenge Part 1

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A/N: Bella is a vampire now. I do not own twilight or any of the characters. Just the plot

Emmett POV:

"Hey, Rose, Jasper, Alice, Bella, come here!" I yelled. Edward had to hunt; he hadn't in almost two and a half weeks. I thought this might be the perfect time to get revenge on him for gluing all of my weights to the ground 3 days ago, which devastated me when I thought I was too weak to pick them up.

Edward's choice in music was classical, soft, la-la music. I personally did not understand how he could let that stuff float through his ears and into his brain. Well, this prank was about all of the music and songs Edward hated. Not that I particularly liked all of the songs I had in mind, but I'm sure they would drive him mad.

"Okay. I know I'm not the only one that wants revenge on Edward for doing something to them that they didn't like. Rose, you haven't gotten him back for cutting the ends of your hair off last week, have you?" She let a growl slide through her clenched teeth. "Or Alice, when he smeared your make-up all over your Juicy jacket. Okay, I helped with that, but still." I saw when she shot me an evil glare.

Jasper was beaming. I could tell he was as eager about this as I was, and he didn't have any idea what we were doing yet. Bella sat with wide eyes, and it was obvious that she didn't want any part in this. "You know, Bella, if you don't help us with this, we are just going to do something even worse. I promise you, by helping us do this, Edward won't be physically in pain." I smiled, imagining Edward anchored to a chair, covering his ears, though we all knew that wouldn't help. "But it will be very, very funny."

I explained to them what we were doing. Right when Edward comes home from hunting, Alice will chain him to the couch in the living room. Then we will start the show. We will be dancing a bit, too, knowing he wouldn't like that, either. I had to admit, though, that he would probably laugh, because it was pretty funny.

We practiced twice, knowing we wouldn't need any more than that. Alice saw Edward coming home in 3 minutes and 42 seconds, so we all got into positions and thought of a blank wall so that Edward wouldn't know what we were doing. I grinned in anticipation.

Edward POV:

Uhgg… I only found one mountain lion when I went hunting, and a few deer. Not my favourite, but it'll have to do. I was running home now, going at full speed so that I could be with my Bella sooner. As I got closer and closer to the house, though, I saw 4 blank walls in my mind. Oh, no. Emmett, Rose, Jasper, and Alice were up to something, something that they didn't want me to know about.

As the house came into view, I could hear Carlisle as he thought about a patient he had worked with today at the hospital. Esme was in the garden planting more tulips in her flowerbed. I couldn't hear any other movements, and I still saw the 4 blank walls. Then what was Bella doing? I should be able to hear what she is doing, though I couldn't hear her thoughts, but I heard nothing.

I became more suspicious as I got towards the big, white door to our home, I slowed as I opened it, trying to hear anything from my brothers and sisters, but nothing. As I walked in there was still nothing until I was tackled into the living room onto the couch and in the same milli-second, was chained down so I could not escape. I heard Alice whisper in an evil voice as she ran from the room, "Enjoy the show."

Then I saw Emmett at the top of the staircase, talking to Rose. "If you like it then you should have put a ring on it" Oh, no. No, no, no. I absolutely despised this song, and I could see it wasn't going to get better.

Rose answered as she made her way down the staircase, “Up in the club, Just broke up doing my own little thing, You decided to dip but now you wanna trip, Cause another brother noticed me. Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it wuh uh oh wuh uh oh!” She swung her butt and waved her hand about, in Emmett's direction.

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