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No, today was not a good day. In fact, it was up there with being one of the worst days of my life. Yes, today was immunization day at Forks high. All of the grade 12 students were going to be injected with needles- oh joy- in front of the whole grade. Nothing could make this day good, not even Edward.

"Good Morning!" Charlie said, opening the curtains in my room. Probably the most evil thing he could have done.

"Ughhhhhhh..." I groaned, pulling the blankets over my head and turning away from the window.

Charlie sighed.

"Come on Bella, you have to go to school today. It's already 7:45, and Edward," he gave a slight scowling sound, "Will be here to pick you up in twenty five minutes. Hurry."

I screamed and threw a pillow at him. He sighed again and turned on the light in my room.

No, I refused to go to school today. I was not getting shots in front of everyone. Not that there were many 12th graders in Fork's High's minuscule population, but still.

"Come on Bella, I know you don't want to go to school today, but come on. Please get out of bed!" Charlie pleaded.

"NO!" I yelled at him, bunching up into a ball, and covering my head with the only pillow left on my bed.

The doorbell rang, and Charlie and I froze.

"That's Edward," he said, making his way out of my room and down the stairs. "Get ready!" He yelled before opening the door.

I still hadn't moved when I head him speaking with Edward.

"...won't come out of bed. She's afraid of the shots. Can you think of a way to get her out?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

Of course Edward would be able to get me out of bed. He could get me to fly to Jupiter if he wanted to.

"Sure, I can try Charlie." I heard Edward reply as he made his way up the stairs.

I curled into a tighter ball, throwing the covers completely over me and huddling in the centre of the bed.

"Bella?" Edward said, knocking on the door.

I stayed silent and closed my eyes.

"Bella, love you have to come out sometime." I felt the bed shift as he sat down. He put his hand on my back and did something I would have never expected him to do.

He tickled me.

This was my weakness, I am super ticklish. I started kicking and giggling and screaming all at the same time.

Edward threw the blankets off and looked me in the eyes.

"Come on. We've got to get to school. I'll take you there in your pajamas if I have to."

This was a very scary threat, because I knew he would. So, I sighed, got dressed -I didn't have time for a shower- and brushed my teeth.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed a banana.

"Bye dad!" I yelled as I ran outside to the Volvo.

The entire car ride to school was spent in silence. Edward, of course, didn't have to get his stupid shots, but did.

"So, what do you tell the nurses so they don't give you shots?" I asked, my mouth still full of banana.

"Chew and swallow love." He reminded me with a grin. "We just say that we've already had them."

"But doesn't it show up on records?"

"Yes, but Carlisle is a doctor. He 'administers them at home'."

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