C H A P T E R 2 2

Start from the beginning

"Shiori!" Itachi's voice boomed behind me.

My head snapped back. My teeth grinding painfully against each other, "I am going to end this now... I'll die before I let anyone touch you". Itachi was never one to back down to me but he knew that I was willing to fight him too if it was going to end this.

"They wanted to start a war..."


"Itachi saved you that night".

"No! No! You're wrong! Itachi and you murdered our entire clan for nothing!" I could see his rationalities fall. The mask he had meticulously held in place was beginning to crumble.

"We did what we did to save the village. We chose peace over blind loyalty to our clan. Itachi was just a kid, younger than you are now and he saved us... All of us".

"No! that's not true!"

"Stop and think! why are you still alive Sasuke!"

Sasuke was shaking his body and mind overwhelmed with new information. His hand pressed palm open against his face, his fingers pressing forcefully against his skin creating divots.

"He left me alive because I was weak". My eyes softened. 'He really believes that'.

"Think about it. Itachi killed your parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and other children. But he couldn't kill you... He couldn't kill the little brother he loved more than anything".

That's when he snapped.

"No! It can't be true. He didn't kill me because I was a weak child who couldn't test his strength. You're just messing with me. You and Itachi conspired to murder the whole clan. You're lying to me!"

'Oh Sasuke'. My heart ached for him. He has deluded himself into believing that what Itachi said was the absolute truth.

"Itachi is sick and dying, yet here he is so that you can be the one to kill him... So you can be the hero".

Slowly the hunched over Sasuke began to pull himself up to his feet. A burst of slow and methodical laughter emanated from his contorted face.

"Get out of my way Shiori. I am going to kill Itachi... Then I am going to kill you".

I could feel chakra surge throughout my body. The white veil enveloping my body. A smirk cracked on my lips, "Try and I'll end you".

The tattoos on his body sailed over his skin consuming his entire body. The transformation was now complete. Sasuke stood before me with dark skin, a pair of black sharingan, and what appeared to be a pair of wings. His hands moved quickly weaving the signs for the fireball jutsu and in an instant, I was taken back. The scene from years ago was replaying again. Although he has learned a few new moves it was nothing short of a mild improvement to me.

In a gust of smoke, a glowing white skeleton of a large figure enveloped Itachi and me. The blast from the jutsu evaporating as it made contact with the skeleton.

"Susanoo?" Itachi's voice was almost inaudible with shock.

"You aren't the only one who's been learning new tricks".

The backlash from the impact almost demolishing the entire roof of the building. Sasuke stood at the aperture of the roof.

I could sense something move behind me. Turning back I watched Itachi make a getaway for the opening in the roof. 'He's not going to let this go'. I jumped out after him. The two brothers stared at each other, Sasuke stood atop a large stone pillar directly across from Itachi. I couldn't hear what he was saying, everything moved in slow motion. His hand raised to the dark grey sky. The sound of thunder echoed in my ears, 'Chidori?'

Truth: Itachi Uchiha Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now