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Caramel ray mikealson is my name and I know my name is weird but that's what happens when you have Esther and mikeal for parents I guess.

I'm the oldest of my siblings.

And let me tell you being a mikealson is hard fucking work.

I remember when we were turned into these creatures.
These monsters.
Me and nik were different monsters.

We have different fathers.
Mikeal never really treated me different but he sure did always beat the hell out of klaus.

But me and nik still don't have the same father.
His father was a wolf while mine is.......well unknown.

My mother never told me and I never found out but I'm different.
I'm a vampire but something else to.
Like a demon.

It's weird and hard to explain.

I also remember my sister Freya.
Me,Freya and Finn use to always be together.
I was the one who made always and forever a thing with us but that didn't last.

Freya was token from us.
After that happened me and Finn didn't talk anymore.
Elijah came along and I toke care of my brother like a mother would her son.
It's wrong that I was a mother more to my siblings then our own mother.
I remember when I fell in love.

My parents didn't approve so I tried to run away with him.
That didn't turn out well when we were found by mikeal.

They then had me marry another.
I had a son but he died a year later and that's when the beatings from my 'husband' started.

My brothers always asked me was I ok and I would lie to them.
Saying how I was fine and just clumsy.

Then the day before my brother died I tried to kill myself but was found by my little brother.
Henrik he was the reason I stopped and I'm sure you can imagine how hurt I was when the next day nik came into the village carrying our little brother body.

I remember how he was basically ripped apart.
I hated wolf's more than anything.

I became depressed and let my 'husband' do as he pleased with me.

I didn't care.
My life as human was not perfect.

My life as some hybrid isn't perfect.

I left when we were turned and then came back with the family years later.
I learned that klaus was putting our siblings down with daggers.

He daggered me one time and when I woke up I kicked his ass and ran from him.

Now I'm on the road traveling.

Me and nik talked out our differences and we also learned that he couldn't dagger me anymore it was like I was use to it and couldn't be affected anymore
Which was great.

I'm now on my way to a town that is rather sad if you ask me called forks.

I'm only here so I can somewhat act normal.

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