Chapter 33

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Time skip to the next weekend: Daichi's POV
I hummed quietly as I drove, Suga asleep peacefully next to me in the passenger seat. Suga probably didn't plan on falling asleep on the drive here, but, I kinda might have made sure to tire him out before we left. I couldn't just blindfold him or I'd surely get pulled over for kidnapping. And besides, he didn't seem to complain. Once we were there, I quietly climbed out of the car and opened the passenger door. Unbuckling Suga and gently waking him.

"Baby, we're here.."

"Mm...? Okay.." Suga said with a cute yawn, rubbing his eyes and holding onto me when I helped him out of the car. I held his hand, guiding him down the dirt trail. Suga was still waking up, so he didn't seem to be asking what we were doing. He of course questioned me to death before we left this morning, but I managed to keep quiet and Yachi did as well.

Once we neared the location, Suga was a bit more awake. Asking me what and where we were going. I smiled, telling him he had to cover his eyes and keep his head down. He pouted, but listened. Covering his face with one hand, holding onto me with the other, stepping carefully of any rocks or twigs. Finally where I wanted to go, I told him open his eyes. Suga blinked a few times before smiling, looking around.

"Wow Daichi, its beautiful here." He said, taking in the view of the small reserved area. A still stream in the center of a beautifully kept area, flowers adorning the ground. A charming, but sturdy, arched wooden bridge allowing you to cross to the other side. I smiled, giving him a kiss when he furrowed his brows and questioned why we came out here this late.

True it wasn't very earlier, it was just the right time so that the sky was turning from blue to reds and purples. I took his hand and led him to the bridge, assuring him I knew this area well since I used to come here often when I was younger so he didn't need to worry about if it got dark. Suga nodded, leaning over the railing of the bridge, pointing into the water with a smile.

"Hey look, its a turtle!" He said excitedly, making me laugh slightly. I held onto him by his waist so he wouldn't accidentally lean to far forward or slip. Suga watched all the little creatures that lived in the stream, watching a few fish and the occasional tiny pond turtle make its way through. Once Suga was finished watching the animals, I led him over to the large weeping willow tree. It was certainly old, it was well grown from when I was little.

I moved aside some of the down-grown leaves, like it was a curtain. Suga giggling and following me underneath the tree, looking around with a squint.

"Isn't it a bit dark in here Daichi? I can barely see." He said, holding my hand tighter. I reached into my pocket, flipping on a little switch. Suga's eyes widened in surprise when a bunch of battery-controlled  fairy lights came on. I had come here beforehand and set them all up, and I was really glad that it had worked. Suga laughed, the lights looking kind of like stars, illuminating the two of us.

"Wow, so this is what you had planned for our date huh?"

"Well, I have one more thing planned." I said, Suga tilting his head. He watched me as I reached into my other pocket. Holding something in the palm of my hands and getting down on one knee. I opened the small felt box, a golden ring sitting neatly inside of it.

"Will you marry me?"

Sugawara's POV
I thought I was going to pass out.. Surely this was a dream..! Daichi smiled, waiting for my answer. Dream or not... I nodded, Daichi taking my hand and sliding the ring on next to the silver one he had given me that I've always worn. I half laughed, half cried. Crashing into my fiancé. Knocking us both to the ground. Daichi laughed, holding me tightly and kissing me softly. After we pulled away, Daichi brought his hands up and gently wiped the tears that had escaped.

"I hope these are tears of happiness."

"Of course they are!" I said with a laugh, nuzzling my face into his chest. Feeling his hands gently rub my back while he pressed kisses against my head. I smiled, never remembering feeling this happy. Most of my life, people had looked at me strange for the people I would date or take interest in. Mostly my family.. After losing someone I loved when I was only 18, I really never thought I'd find anyone else.

Sure, maybe it was silly of a couple of 18 year olds, but he and I planned to get married and move far away. To escape both of our families. I didn't know where we were going to go, but I really didn't care as long as I was with him. The day he left me was one of the worst days of my life. For years, I thought maybe if I was better, that he'd still be here. And it all spiraled into my fears of being alone. Until Daichi came along.

He showed me that I had worth... and just how much he loved me. There was no way I could ever repay him for what he's done for me over the past year. For both me, and Yachi. I stayed in my soon-to-be husband's arms, listening to his breathing and heartbeat. Smiling to myself before lifting my head up and kissing him again with all the passion I could muster.

"I love you, Suga."

"I love you too, Daichi."

That concludes this story. Thank you so much for reading, I love Daichi x Suga because, who doesn't? I have another story, one that is Bokuto x Akaashi I am also working on, so if you would like, please take a peak at that. If anyone has any pairing requests/Au's/prompts pls lemme know ♥️

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