Chapter 11

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Christmas Day: Sugawara's POV
"Dad, daddy wake up wake up wake up!"

Daichi and I groaned softly, the little girl on top of us and trying her best to shake us both awake. We both told the little one to climb off and give us a minute. She excitedly darted downstairs, Daichi sitting up and stretching. I was still laying back, admiring my boyfriend from behind and silently thanking the fact that he had to workout more often for his police job. Daichi sat there, rubbing his eyes when I slowly sat up and snaked my arms around his torso, giving his neck a kiss.

"Mm, morning baby."

"Morning Daichi, Merry Christmas." Daichi grinned, twisting his body just enough to grab me. I giggled as he got on his knees, kissing me deeply and pushing us both back down onto the bed. Our heated kiss getting interrupted when a certain little girl's voice from downstairs reminded us there were gifts downstairs. We both laughed, getting up and quickly joining her. Since we really still didn't know the girl's name, her gifts were marked by the nickname "honey" that I and Daichi would call her sometimes.

A ton of wrapping paper later
"Looks like she's out for the count."

"Yeah, but she'll wake up when she smells that dinner is ready don't worry." I said with a laugh, Daichi finishing cleaning up the wrapping and tissue paper while I laid the girl on the couch for a nap. I made sure she was warmly covered before walking over to Daichi in the kitchen. He helped me prep and get the food going. I was just quietly cutting up some onions and celery when Daichi tapped the top of my head. I looked up, laughing when I saw him dangle a mistletoe over me.

"Daichi, what are you, 12?"

"Come on Suga, you know what a mistletoe means." He said, making me giggle and put down what I was doing, spinning around and kissing my boyfriend deeply. Once we pulled away, I gently poked his cheek and went back to my cooking preparations.

"You know, I should carry this mistletoe around with me all the time."

"Oh hush you."

"No I'm serious, it would be useful, don't you think." He said, setting the plant aside and going back to peeling potatoes for me.  I smiled and rolled my eyes at his antics, quietly humming some Christmas tunes as I worked. Once all the food was cooking or was prepped, Daichi and I sat on the floor in the living room since the couch was occupied. Daichi being the child that he was and using his silly little mistletoe to get several kisses. I took his mistletoe away so he'd stop it. Not that I didn't love kissing him, but I knew eventually the kiss would get to heated in front of a child and I wasn't about to explain to her what we were doing.

"Daichi.. can I tell you something...?"

"Hm? Of course you can baby, is something wrong?"

"No, well kinda, it's just.. I obviously want to tell our families we're together. But I don't know how they would take it."

"Don't worry Suga, my family would understand and I just know they'd love you."

"I wasn't worried about your family... well yeah I was but I'm also worried about my family. I mean, they didn't take my last relationship to well."

"What happened?"

"I don't really wanna say right now.. but, it didn't end well at all." I mumbled, feeling like I wanted to cry just from remembering what had happened years ago. Sure I was under 18 at the time and my parents were able to do as they wished, and now I was my own adult but I was still scared..

Daichi's POV
Suga's body started to shake, tears threatening to fall. I furrowed my brows and held him tighter, holding his head to my chest. He took in a shaky breath while holding onto me tighter. What the hell did his family do to him..

"It's okay baby... I promise I'll be here, and I'm not leaving you. If you don't want to, we don't have to tell your family for a while, or mine if that makes you more comfortable."

"No.. I want to tell them. I'm just worried. But, maybe hold off on telling mine for a bit..?"

"Whatever you want, will be my command." I said honestly, Suga smiling faintly at my words and nodding. I had a lot of questions.. why was he scared? What happened in his last relationship? Did it end poorly or was it his parent's doing.. well, whatever happened obvious was traumatic to Suga. And I'm not keen on traumatizing my boyfriend by bombarding him with questions.

I spent as long as I needed to holding Suga, making sure he was fully calmed and collected before even letting him get back up and go to the kitchen. I watched as he checked the food and put the food in that needed less cooking time before returning to me.



"Look up." I did as I was told, smiling when I saw Suga hold up the mistletoe he had taken away from me. I laughed, kissing him and pulling away with a small chuckle.

"See? I told you it would come in handy."

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