Chapter 24

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Sugawara's POV

I sighed softly, walking back into Daichi and my home. It was nice to be back, but I have to admit, that weekend in the cabin was also pretty great. Daichi set down the few bags he had packed and stretched, walking over and giving me a kiss.

"Lets put our stuff away, then I got to get going."

"Can I come??"

"...You want to come look for a pickpocket kid with me?"

"Yeah, I mean. Could be interesting. And you told me it wouldn't be dangerous if he's just a kid."

"If you really want to Suga, but please stay close to me just in case okay?" I nodded, the two of us putting our clothes away and then the bags before heading out. Daichi's friend had told him where the kid was, and Daichi said that the kid was probably still hanging around there. Apparently it'd be kind of like his 'hangout'. 

Once back at the spot, I followed Daichi closely as we passed by people and checked the alleyways between buildings. So far, we hadn't found anything until walking down the narrowest alleyway. Daichi whispered for me to be quiet after we heard footsteps on the concrete. Even if it wasn't the kid, it could be dangerous. After all, a small hidden area like this would be a good place to mug or hurt someone.

"Go away." We heard as soon as we turned the corner. A younger boy pointing a gun at us. I felt a spike of fear but Daichi just walked closer to him calmly.

"I said go away..!" The boy said, Daichi standing right in front of him. The barrel of the gun resting on his chest. I panicked but Daichi just reached up and took the gun, the kid trying to grab it back.

"You don't know how to use it. The safety was on and this isn't even loaded." Daichi said, opening the bottom and seeing an empty barrel. The boy huffed, insisting we leave.

"I was told you stole something from a friend of mine, a ring?"

"Why should I tell you anything.. I know what you are, some undercover cop right?"

"I am an officer, but I'm not here to try and arrest you or anything."

"Yeah right."

"I just want the ring back, it was for his fiancé. If you took it for money or food, I'll buy you a meal." Daichi said with a small smile. I smiled slightly, glad I was dating someone like that. The kid stood there before shaking his head.

"...I sold it." He admitted, Daichi sighing and asking to who. The boy shrugging and saying he just sold it to the person who gave him the most money. 

"Why did you sell it?"

"None of your business. Now I don't have the ring, so go away." The boy said as I walked over as well, standing next to Daichi. We both exchanged glances, but I spoke up first.

"Did you need the money for something..?"


"Really, we aren't here to arrest you, or take you in, or anything. But, if you tell me, maybe I can help you?" I said honestly. I felt bad, the whole reason I took foster kids in was to keep them in a safe and good home rather than in a scary home or bad environment like on the streets fending for themselves. The boy thought for a bit before turning and walking off, telling us to follow. We followed him quickly, arriving at what looked like a makeshift home made of old boxes, wooden boards, blankets and clothes. The sight of the little 'home' made my heart break when the boy kneeled down and pulled back the cloth that acted like a door. Inside the little area was another boy.

"...Who, who are they..?"

"They.. said maybe they can help." I watched as the taller of the two helped the smaller one out. They looked the same age, but it was hard to tell with all the dirt in their hair, clothes and skin. The smaller of the two hid behind the taller one, the taller on sighing.

"My name's Tsukishima.. I took the ring to take care of my boyfriend. His name's Yamaguchi."

"Ah.. why are you two out on the streets..?" I asked, Tsukishima clenching his fists, getting angry at me.

"Because both our parents threw us out when they found out we were dating okay? So if you two have a problem with it too, then leave us alone."

"We have no problem with that Tsukishima.. I'm dating him." I said, gesturing to Daichi who nodded. The two boys looked at us kind of surprised but also relieved. They must be starving, and cold. So without thought, I told them if they wanted to come back to my house for some food, a bath and clean clothes, they were welcome. They both looked hesitant, especially Tsukishima but eventually he gave in and nodded. Carrying his boyfriend back to the car while Daichi drove us back home.

Daichi's POV

"I'm gonna go start them a bath and find them some clean clothes, could you maybe get something to eat going??" Suga asked, welcoming the two boys inside. I nodded as they all headed upstairs. I have no idea what those kids ate, but I'm sure that they'd be more than happy to eat anything. But I still wanted to make sure they had a good meal, so I made something I knew Suga liked but was also a hearty recipe. While cooking, I laughed faintly to myself. 

Sometimes, I think Suga couldn't help himself but to be so kind. These kids could be thieves for all we knew. In fact, they kind of were. But we weren't entirely sure for what yet, apart from taking care of themselves. Yet here my boyfriend was, making sure they were clean and warm and were going to have a good meal. Just something to add onto the list of things I loved about him.

After about 30 minutes, the three came back down. Tsukishima's blond hair much more evident without dirt making it appear more of a brown. Yamaguchi's hair a rather odd color, almost a tint of green to his dark hair. But I suppose it suited him. I set food onto the table, the boys sitting and eating hungrily. Suga and I sat across from them. Once they slowed their eating, I started talking to them.

"How long have you two been alone?"

"I dunno. Parents kicked us out when we were what. 15?"

"How old are you two?"

"We're both 17. So. I guess 2 years." Tsukishima said, glancing at his boyfriend who nodded in agreement. Suga and I spoke quietly while we waited for the two to finish eating. Once they were done, Suga cleaned up as I continued talking to them.

"You said you sold the ring to take care of your boyfriend, right Tsukishima?"


"It's good to see you two care about each other. But stealing isn't a good way to do it. You're lucky you haven't been caught and arrested, then you'd be taken away from Yamaguchi." I said in an almost lecture tone. Tsukishima nodding while Yamaguchi looked like he was going to cry from the thought. Gee.. these two kids have been on their own for 2 years with only each other. It'd be devastating for one to lose the other. Once Suga came back, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Daichi is right, it'd be awful to be separated from someone you love... I'll tell you what. You two can stay here for a while." He said, Yamaguchi widening his eyes.

"O-oh, we don't want to be a bother..."

"Well, you two are older. So what if you get to stay here, Daichi and I will help take care of you both. Get you some clothes, you'll have food whenever you want. But you have to start looking for jobs. After all, I'm afraid you can't stay forever." Suga said, thinking that was reasonable and I agreed. The two looked at each other, Tsukishima nodding.

"Okay, deal. But Yamaguchi gets to wait on a job search for a bit. I'll find one first."

"Alright, then welcome to our home."

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