The Curse of the Golden Master

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I looked at the picture of Lloyd and me as kids and thought back to the promise he made years ago. That he never lets me forget.

"Y/n...The ninja almost got you killed, and the Hyponbrai and the Fangpyre betrayed us...If the Anacondrai betrays us...I-um, I'll protect you."

I giggled at the memory of how bashful Lloyd was. It's interesting to see how he grew up and changed. The bashful, candy-crazy little kid he was had turned into a confident leader, but still candy crazy. Some things never change. Lloyd looked down at me, confused as to why I was giggling.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh, just remembering how nervous and bashful you were as a kid," I laughed as he blushed.


"I take that back; you still are."

"Y/nnnn," Lloyd whined as I giggled.

We had finally made it to Hiroshi Labyrinth.

"How anyone got through this jungle is beyond me," Lloyd said.

"That's because they don't," I commented.

"Hiroshi Labyrinth. Legend says no one has ever escaped its deadly maze except Hiroshi himself," Garmadon explains.

"But the maze is not a match for our powers," I commented.

"This is the perfect place to hide from the Overlord's clutches," Garmadon said.

"Hide. That's all we ever seem to do," Lloyd said.

"Uh, not true. We were in the public eye accepting awards for how long?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Your Golden and Sliver power only strengthens his cause. We must not lose sight," Garmadon commented.

"But I miss our friends. What good is being all-powerful if I can't ever have any fun?" Lloyd asked.

"The two powers need to be protected, honored. Evil forces will seek it, try to take it for their own. It seduces. Even your friends may one day covet it," Garmadon said in raging the two.

"Our friends would NEVER hurt us. I don't ever want you to say something like that ever again," I angrily.

"They who hold the power has a tremendous obligation. You must be prepared to handle this journey alone. Even without me one-day," Garmadon says.

"Yeah, I know," Lloyd said.

"Keep your chin up, son. Legend states there is a jewel inside the maze, the most beautiful oasis no one has ever seen before. Perhaps we will be the first," Garmadon said; I walked over to a flower I hadn't seen before as Lloyd mumbled something, and Garmadon laughed; I gave them a questioning look, then rolled my eyes and went back to inspecting the flower.

"Boys," I chuckle to myself.

We had been walking FOREVER! Through the maze going to the 'jewel' that, at this point, I started to believe it wasn't real. I rested my head on Lloyd's arm, bored and tired. He chuckles and moves his arm around me. Then we saw it.

"The jewel of the Labyrinth. It's..." Garmadon starts.

"One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," Lloyd finishes.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. Wait one? What was the other?" I asked.

"Yes. Beauty can be born in darkness," Garmadon says before Lloyd could answer. Then we heard buzzing, and trees fell.

"They've found you. You must leave! Go! I said leave!" Garmadon says as he fights evil Wu. "Why must we always be on opposite sides, brother? I made an oath not to fight, but I'll still defeat you," Garmadon says as Lloyd summons a golden vehicle, and we jump on. "No! Trust in the balance!" Garmadon says. Lloyd drives until we reach a cliff and watch Garmadon get captured.

"Garmadon/dad!" Lloyd and I yell.

"Go and never look back!" Garmadon said.

"Leave, and your father falls," the Overlord said from a mechanical dragon. Lloyd starts to use his powers to save Garmadon.

"Lloyd, don't! He'll fall even if you attack!" I say. a mechanical snake then wraps around us. "What the?" I struggle.

"My power's gone," Lloyd said. A stranger then came over to us.

"Hello, old chum," the stranger says, then takes off his hood.

"Pythor, I swear I will skin you alive when I get the chance!" I growled as he laughed, which angered me more.

"Pythor? I thought you were--" Lloyd starts.

"Hmm, gone? Actually, I suffered a worse fate. Digested in the bowels of the Devourer. It can wreak havoc on one's complexion. Fortunately for Wu and your little girlfriend, he escaped unscathed," Pythor said.

"Oh, how devastating your complexion is ruined, such a disaster," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna cut your throat open if you ever call me little girl again!"

"Finally, the Silver and Golden Ninjas are mine. Now the transformation can be complete," the Overlord said.

"I couldn't leave you. We can't do this alone. I failed you, father," Lloyd said.

"Lloyd..." I said.

"He is no longer of importance to me. Throw him overboard," Garmadon yells as he falls into the sea.

"No! Father!" Lloyd yelled.

"Garmadon!" I shout.

"Be strong. I will find you. I will find you!" Garmadon says as were taken away.

"Don't worry, Lloyd, he'll be fine; we'll get through this together. It's what we do, right?"

"Right," Lloyd smiled sadly.

Silver Heart (Lloyd x reader) [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora