The Surge

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"The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden and Silver Ninjas defeat the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past and build for our future. Ninjago city soon became New Ninjago City, clever, right? Ahm it became the center of great technological advancements. But without and enemy to fight, the age of the Ninja came to an end. The ninjas had gone to create a new school, as for the Gold and Silver Ninjas were traveling the world receiving award after award. But it will never be always peaceful, soon they will need them again, and they will be ready," Katelyn introduces. (I had to pull a Stan Lee and put myself somewhere)


"And now the Gold and Silver Ninjas will receive this award for saving our world," a mayor handed us a trophy soon after we left on our dragons.

"I think I memorized the speeches for how many awards we've gotten," I said as we start to fly back to the school.

"Ya no kidding," Lloyd agreed.

"I can't wait to see their faces when we get back! They're going to be so happy to see us!" I smile.

"We've been gone for a month, I think there will be happy, especially the kids," Lloyd said.

"Ya the little dem- I mean angles," I corrected. "At least on our way back, we get to see the ocean at sunset."


"It feels like yesterday that we defeated the Overlord," I sighed. "When are we going to stop getting awards? Half of the storage closet in the school has our trophies," I said. "Maybe it's time we retire too, and stop getting these dang awards and being the great Silver and Gold Ninjas. Teach the kids, live off from the city, I don't know, settle down, I guess. I'm just tired of smiling for cameras, autographing, and receiving award after award," I suggested.

"It would be nice to stay in one place for once...Wait, do you hear--"

"Yelling? Ya, it's coming from over there!" We flew our dragons and found the Ninja and Sensei fighting robots. We jumped down and shot some of our energy at the bots.

"Robots versus Ninja? Heh. Dare I ask?" Lloyd questioned.

"All right!" Cole cheered.

"Your a sight for sore eyes," Kai said.

"What the heck did you guess get yourselves into while we were gone?" I asked.

"So you couldn't help yourself. The Golden and Silver Ninjas, we meet again," Overlord said on a TV screen.

"Oh, great," I sighed. "Oh, look, it's our good old friend that's on drugs, how've you been?"

"Overlord. We defeated you once; we'll defeat you again," Lloyd said, grabbing my hand as we glare at the screen.

"Oh, I don't want to fight. I just want your power," Overlord said.

"Good luck trying to get it!" I growl as Lloyd starts to form an energy ball.

"No, Lloyd, your power is only making them stronger," Sensei said.

"But how do we fight?" Lloyd questioned.

"We don't. We need to get you, Y/n, and the Techno Blades out of the city," Kai said.

"I don't think he'll let us leave," Cole said.

"I have an idea, but I don't have much time to explain. Listen close," Sensei said after his quick explanation, we quickly put it into action.

"Ninja, go!" We all shout.

"I hope this works," Kai said.

"At 4.2 percent chance of success, I'd say our hope is slim," Zane said.

"That's why it's called hope, Zane," Jay said.

"I don't care about the percentages! let's just do it!" I said.

"Cole, jump on!" Jay said.

"Wait, where's Sensei?!" I asked as Lloyd, and I, flew on our dragons following the boys.

"We have to go back for him," Lloyd said.

"We will, but only when you and Y/n are safe," Kai said.

"No..." I had tears in my eyes.

"He wants these weapons, and for some reason, he also wants you two. Remember, this was Sensei's plan. They can't break him," Cole said.

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has yet to come. We need to worry about today," Zane said.

"You said it, Zane," Jay said.

"We will come back to New Ninjago City. And when we do, we'll be ready," Zane said.

"But for now, we find someplace safe to hide. They'll be looking for us," Kai said.

"Oh yay, hiding one of my favorite things," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, it's for your safety," Cole said.

"Lloyd, I'm coming above you and jumping on your dragon with you," I said.

"Ok," I flew above Lloyd and jumped onto his golden dragon, then quickly wrap my arms around his torso and laid my head on his back. Wait, why did he smell so good? He smelt like cinnamon and vanilla. "So much for seeing the ocean."

"Yeah, now we have a cell that's on drugs in a computer come after us. Why can't we just retire and have peace and quiet!" I complained as Lloyd laughs.

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