Luke gasped as he felt one of her ice cold hands against his neck. "Fuck!" He shouted, surprised and grabbed her hand with the one that wasn't on the wheel, "Why are your hands still so cold? It's not even chilly." Evelyn giggled and smiled as Luke rested their hands on the middle compartment. "I'll start having gloves on hand twenty-four seven," he faux-shuddered, causing Evelyn to roll her eyes.

"On another note," she spoke, getting slightly embarrassed about her constant cold hands, "I have something to tell you when we get to your house." He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, "Who said we're going to my house?"
Evelyn looked at him confused, "W-well, this is the way you usually take so I thought we were going there since you di—"

"Calm down, sweetheart." He chuckled, and subconsciously rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, "'Was just messing with you." Evelyn blushed and looked out the window at the passing buildings, mumbling an embarrassed "right".

The drive was comfortably quiet the rest of the way to Luke's apartment. Luke unlocked his door as they reached his floor and held the door for her to enter first. He watched as she took her shoes off and made her way over to the large brown sofa in his living room and pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and over her shoulders.

"What did you wanna tell me?" He asked as he sat facing her on the couch. Evelyn took a deep breath and closed her eyes, It's now or never.
"So..." she nervously fiddled her fingers, already unsure of what to say. "You know how we went to lunch a few days ago?" She paused and glanced up at him and saw him nod his head. "And you know that guy that came up to you?" She watched as his eyebrows furrowed and he hesitantly nodded again.

"I know how you know him," she quickly said, looking up at the blonde with wide eyes, his own widened slightly, before narrowing at her and leaning forward, "What are you talking about."

And maybe Evelyn should've expected hostility from him but that didn't mean it made her any less nervous hearing the tone of his voice. She looked down as she played with the end of the blanket, silently mulling over if she shouldve said anything or not.

"What are you talking about, Evelyn?" Luke asked again, harsher and more demanding than before. She paused her fingers playing with the fabric and took a deep breath, though her next words came out as a whisper, "I know you were in a gang and sold drugs," she didn't dare look up at him as she continued, "and that your brothers used to be in one too."

A few seconds of extricating tension-filled silence passed before Evelyn peaked up at Luke, concern taking over as she noticed his ragged breathing and clenched fists and jaw. She sat up onto her knees worriedly and moved a little closer.

"A-are you okay, Luke?" She gently placed her hand on his shoulder, but jerked her hand back as he shot up off the couch.

He stood away from the couch but still towered over her as she sat up on her knees. The look he was giving her could kill and she really didn't like that he was giving it to her, "Who the fuck told you that?" He grit through his teeth and tried to look away from her innocent face. He was livid, he needed to know who was trying to sabotage the one good thing that's happened to him in years.

He heard her mumble something, every passing second let his blood boil more and run colder simultaneously. He could almost hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears, "What did you say?"

Evelyn looked up at him, feeling extremely intimidated by the anger radiating off him. It was obvious at this point that he had anger issues that were unresolved and she knew he wouldn't hurt her from previous experiences, but that just made her fear that he would hurt someone else or himself.

She huffed quietly, "M-michael." Evelyn knew that was partitaly a lie, Calum had really broken the news to her, though she knew better than to drag one of Luke's best friends into this. Especially when Michael seemed to only have an interest in talking about Luke around her.

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