Emmi Pov
We are in lunch now and anna is telling us about what happened in her class.I think ag is just doing these stuff to anna because she wants her attention,i gotta say anna is different type of girl she is nothing like the other girls that ag talk to and that why she is trying to get annas attention then she gonna play her like the other girls and i don't want that to happen to anna cause it really hurts to get played.We talked more until it was time to into our next class,Me and anna have the same class and Juli and Ami got class together so me and walked to our class.We arrive to our class and it started but then in the middle of it we heard some screaming and yelling so our teacher went out and we followed.Gosh there was a fight and it was no other then Ag and the cute boy Ami and anna was talking about.

Anna Pov
"Poor boy"i told emmi "Yes i wonder what happened"emmi replied "I bet ag started"i said "You never know"emmi replied "Wdym she is literally on top and the boy clearly look innocent"i said I mean look at him he is literally bleeding everywhere,he looked very hurt that's probably why people don't mess with ag she hurt people and that's another reason why i don't like ag she hurt people for no reason i mean that's at least what i think.I really wanted to help ben but our teacher told us to go back to our class and do the assignments she told us to do.

Ag Pov
As i was walking to my class someone ran into me and it thought it was an accident u til i saw the ugliest face i could ever see "Watch where you going"i said walking away trying not to start a fight "Oh so now you not gonna do anything i see your scared of me now"he said laughing "You wish"i said turning around "What are you gonna do hit me like you do to other people"he asked "No i'm just gonna walk away cause i'm a mature person unlike you always trying to fight me for no reason"i said walking pass him.He then push me to the ground and that's how i started to punch him and beat the crap out of him,he couldn't do anything cause i'm just too good.Then the teachers came and pull me back,that helped him cause he almost was blackout.We were then sent to the principal office and "Ms.mcdaniel you are suspended for 3 days and you will have to do your work online"the principal said "What about him"i asked "He will not be punished"he said "That's not fair he started it and i got punished"i told him "Well you almost blacked him out"he said again "Whatever i'll be leaving now"I said and left.

Ben Pov
The Ag mcdaniel i hate her,she is better than me at anything.She took my girl,She beat me at basketball and many more things since we were going to the same college i want her to suffer,I want her to get expelled.I saw her coming so i ran into her on purpose "Watch where you going"she said walking away "Oh so now you not gonna to anything i see you scared of me"i said "You wish"she said turning around "What are you gonna do hit me"i said "No"she said walking that got me so mad why didn't she do anything.I then pushed her the next thing that happened was me being on the floor,she came at me so fast i could barely move,i felt like i was gonna black out but thank god the teachers came.We went to the principal office and she said "Ag you are suspended for three days" "What about him"ag asked "He isn't being punished"she answered "What that's not fair"ag replied "Well you almost blacked him out"the principal said again "Whatever i'll be leaving"ag said and left "Thank you so much"i said and walked away too.Man that felt great i'm not being punished but she is and o started that what she gets but i'm not done she hurt my face so there gonna be more revenge i just have to see what she does then she is over.

Ag Pov
School was over so i decided to meet up with my friends.I walked to mia's from cause that's where we were meeting up,*Knock knock*mia opened the door and said "dude what happened" "Let me tell you inside"i said and got in the room.Everyone was there so i told them what happened "Good job ag"mia did "That what he gets"avery added "How did you stay so calm at first,you always had short temper"sophie said "Idk"i replied.Do y'all have medicine and bandage i asked "Yes here"mia said and gave it to me.I fixed my self while talking about what happened with anna "Do you like her or something"Avery asked "No"i replied "Then why do you want her attention"mia asked "because she always ignores me and she doesn't like me"i replied "That sucks"Sophie added "Just watch me get her then play her like i do to other girls"i said "Thats not happening,Anna is different she doesn't fall for people easily"sophie said "You think idk that she gonna be hard to get"i said and decided to leave since i missed my last class.As i was walking back this girl came up to me her name was Layla i knew her since high school she was a cheerleader and was very popular she always had a huge crushed on me at least that what i heard "Ag what happened"she asked "Oh i got into a fight"I said "Oh no let me help you"she said "No i'm fine i already fixed myself "i replied "No it's not that let go to your dorm and do it i have the supplies"she said and we walked to my room.And i sat on my bed while she put some alcohol and bandages on me,her face was so close to mine wanted to move but i couldn't then suddenly she kissed me,we pulled away when the door opened and it was anna "Do it somewhere else get out!!"she yelled.

Anna Pov
I unlocked my door and saw ag and layla kissing,ughh i hate layla and she hates me too "Do it somewhere else,get out"i yelled "You can't tell me what to do"layla snap back "Yes i can this is my room too"i said "Is it true ag"she asked "Yes i think you should leave too"ag said "What no i'm not done yet"she said "No it's fine i can do it my self"ag replied and pushed layla out the door.Then I put my paper,computer and homework on my desk to start my homework.While i was doing my work ag asked me to help her with her back because it was bleeding "No i thought you said you could do it yourself"i said "Yea but i can't see my back"she answered "So do you want me to call layla i have her number"i said "Oh no mam i got it i'll just take a shower"she said and went in the bathroom.I quietly laugh what she said,ag can be real funny sometimes.

Ag Pov
I took a shower cause anna wouldn't help,i could do it myself but i just wanted to see what she would do and say.I got out the shower and wore nike sweatpants with a t shirt then i got back to my bed.I watched my phone until i saw anna,she was sleeping it's cute i just kept looking at her cause ik she would be sassy if i did it when she's awake.She is so different from the other girls,that's what i like about her "What are you looking at"she asked i knew that was coming "Noting"i replied.She got up and went to the bathroom and took shower,while she do that i fell asleep because i was very tired and sore because of that idiot idk what his problem is.

Anna Pov
After taking a shower i did my skin care routine and wore white tank top with my sweatpants.I got out of the bathroom and saw ag sleeping,good thing she does that cause she probably wouldn't be able to sleep,and it's gonna be bad for her health because she haven't slept since yesterday.I then got on my bed and fell asleep too.

Author pov
Thank you for reading
I hope y'all like this chapter
This chapter might be boring but keep reading cause there's gonna be more entertaining stuff coming soon
Sorry i didn't post yesterday i had a soccer game.
But did y'all notice ag and anna both have the same ring??Its like the wave one
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