"Can we play hide and seek?" Nick looked up, after two minutes of silence.

AJ gave him a look. "That's for little kids Nick."

"There's nothing else to do."

"Go talk to your girlfriend then." AJ snorted.

I gave him a look.

"Fuck you." Nick flipped him off.

"Nick." Kevin warned, looking up.

"What?" Nick pouted. "He's mean."

AJ scoffed and imitated Nick. "He's mean."

"AJ leave Nick alone." I scolded.

AJ rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Nick smiled, the way he did when he got his way.

"Cmon Frack, let's see who can shoot more hoops in the little basketball net on the door." I said.

"Okay." Nick agreed and passed me the small rubber basketball.

I squinted, and threw it.

One point for me.

"My turn." Nick grabbed it and shot it in.

He made it.

"It's a tie now." he handed it to me.

I tossed it in again, but missed.

It went like that for a little, and Nick ended up winning.

"I beat Brian!" he shouted.

"Mhm." The guys didn't even blink. Howie was busy sleeping, and AJ had headphones in.

"I swear, they are so boring sometimes." Nick sighed.

I eyed Kevin. He was so immersed in the book, he didn't even blink. Howie was asleep, AJ wasn't paying attention.

"Come on." Nick and I tiptoed out of the hotel room and went to the pool.

It was empty, since it was closed.

We jumped in, with our shirts off.

"I'm so cold!" Nick's teeth chattered. He was half laughing, half angry.

"I know. But it'll get warmer if we keep on swimming." I said.

Nick nodded and we moved around, splashing each other.

"Frick, you got water up my nose." he glared at me.

"Oops." I shrugged and sent another wave his way.

He deflected it, and sent an even bigger one, which made me go under.

I decided I would play a little prank on him.

I stayed down, and I heard Nick's voice from above.

"Brian?" I heard him swimming toward me.

I kept my face down. Ten more seconds before I ran out of air.

"Brian? You okay?" Nick's voice was high pitched.

I heard a gasp. "Brian!" Nick screeched.

I came up and grinned. "Boo!"

Nick screamed, and fell back into the water.

I laughed my guts out while an angry Nick came back up.

"You scared me! I thought you were dead." he shook his head.

I laughed. "That was funny though."

"Not for me." he mumbled.

"Who's there!" We heard a male voice.


"Run!" Nick whispered. We got out of the water and grabbed our shirts and ran through the grass to conceal our footprints.

We opened the hotel room door and went in.

"That was close." Nick leaned against the door.

"I know." I agreed. I looked down at my bare feet.

They were covered in grass and dirt.

"Eww." Nick shook out his own.

"Where have you two been?" I heard Kevin's angry voice.

Uh oh.

"Just fooled around with the shower." Nick lied.

"Right." Kevin eyed us. He was about to open his mouth, but the phone rang. He frowned and went to answer it.


Nick and I looked at each other.

"Tomorrow morning, at seven? Okay, we'll be there." Kevin hung up.

"Guys, we record again at seven tomorrow. Go to sleep." he waved us off.

Nick and I went to our bedroom that we shared and fought over who got to shower first.

It was an eventful night I guess.

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