Chapter 6

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Melanie's POV
At the sound of Junior's cries, Jasper pulled away from my grasp to run upstairs and grab our son, appearing back at my side a moments later.

Taking our son from his father's grasp, I look into his gaze and heard him want to reach out to his Aunt Bella. Confused, I walked back to Bella's side and held Junior out to her. "Junior wants to be with you," I told the confused girl. When Bella carefully held my baby in her arms, I peered through his thoughts again and was amazed to see what he was seeing. Edward took a sharp intake of breath from a distance.

"Interesting..." Edward whispered, me humming in agreement much to everyone's confusion.

Junior can see and feel auras, and only now has his gift been revealed. And there I saw through Junior's gift, a small bronze glow in the shape of a peanut in Bella's stomach; her child.

"Edward," I gasped out, not once tearing my gaze away from her, "do you see -"

"I see it," he cut me off, sounding just as surprised.

"What? What's wrong?" Rosalie panicked, hovering over Bella much to Edward's dismay.

"Nothing's wrong," I assured her, finally tearing my gaze away from the beautiful sight, "Just found out my son has a gift to see and feel auras. He can see the baby inside of Bella." Everyone looked to the little boy before us in amazement, awe entering their emotions.

"I guess he received that gift because of his father," Carlisle mused, walking into the room and having heard the last bits of our conversation. "Jasper can feel emotions, Junior can feel and see auras. It's similar to Marcus' gift in a way."

"That's my boy," Jasper grinned, sitting beside me to rub Junior's head affectionately. Bella handed Junior back to us, Jasper holding him by his armpits and having him stand on Jasper's lap. Junior cooed happily at the sight of his father's face, slapping his hands lightly on Jasper's arms.

We all laughed at his behaviour, Jasper bringing him to his chest and pressing many kisses to his face that induced laughter from the baby. I smiled in fondness at the sight of my two men, resting my head gently onto Jasper's shoulder. Maybe having a second baby won't be that bad...

"Jasper and Melanie Whitlock, the most dangerous vampires to ever walk the Earth...are actually huge teddy bears," Emmett joked, him and Edward snickering away.

"Ha, ha," Jasper and I chorused sarcastically. Speak for yourself, Mister-Emmett-the-big-baby.

"See?" Bella spoke up, "I want what Jasper and Melanie have, a family." And just like that, reality slapped us back in the face and Edward's joyful look changed to one of sorrow. I guess even though he saw what Junior saw, he hasn't changed his mind. "I want to have a family with you, Edward..."

"It's killing you," he deadpanned.

"I don't care if it kills me, I want this child to be born!" Edward's face broke out to one of pure heartbreak at her words, making me sigh at the couple. I know Bella wants this, but at the same time, she shouldn't have said something like that to her husband who just wants her to be healthy and alive...

"She can still have the baby," Carlisle interfered, "But when it is time, we must hurry to take the child out before it kills her. When the child is out, we can change her before blood loss." He showed us the page in the ancient book about Bella's situation.

"So in the end, my child will be half-vampire, half-human, right?" Bella confirmed. We all nodded.

"Because the baby is half-vampire inside a human's womb, the pregnancy will be fast and will last at least a month or two," Carlisle informed, reading the book quickly. So, a month or two left of Bella's humanity. Edward gave a small noise of protestant at my thought.

"But what about Melanie's situation? Is it the same for me?" Bella asked curiously.

Carlisle flicked through the pages elegantly, making a noise of triumphant when he found the answer. He began to read it out loud.

"You may think that the born-vampire and the turned-but-still-a-bit-human-vampire are the same. However, they are not. For one, they are vampires in different ways, and thus have different characteristics.
"Vampire that was turned and still have human qualities can still sparkle in the sunlight, whereas the vampire that was born doesn't.
"Vampires that was turned are a special case where some human blood cells refuse to become one with the vampire venom, thus allowing them to still human qualities, though a bit limited compared to the human-vampire hybrid. There will be a time when the vampire-turned will eventually become a full vampire..."

"Interesting," I mused, tilting my head thoughtfully. Everyone all hummed in agreement. "But either way, as you can all see, Bella's situation will be okay. We have nor reason to worry, we just have to be careful."

So we all came to an agreement that we would all help Bella at this time, much to Edward and Alice's dismay, but we were all going to cooperate.

It was now night, and everyone was completely relaxed, minding their own business in the living room. Even though we're calm now, we couldn't help but still be gathered together with Bella, just to make sure she was okay since it looked like the baby was growing almost every two hours or something. I think now was a good time to give them the good news.

"Hey guys," I called out nervously, grabbing Jasper's hand from beside me. "Jasper," I addressed directly. I took a deep breath in, biting my lip in nervousness. If I had a beating heart, it would be beating a million miles an hour.

Knowing what was happening, Edward, Alice, and Esme gave me smiles of encouragement.

"So uh, I recently found out that...I am pregnant." There we go, just put it out there bluntly.

Emmett released a loud whoop, Rosalie squealing and moving from Bella's side to mine, encasing me into a hug. Everyone told me congrats with smiles, and the only person who was quiet throughout this situation was Jasper.

"Jasper?" I said nervously, looking into his unreadable eyes. Turned out I really had no reason to worry, since Jasper looked to me with wide gleaming eyes, breaking into a large grin that was soon overlapped with his laughter of joy.

"I'm going to be a father of two!" he exclaimed, bringing me into a firm hug. "I am not missing out on this pregnancy this time," he vowed to me into my ears, giving me a passionate kiss in front of everyone. "I love you, and I am never leaving your side."

"I love you too," I beamed, unaware that in the future he would disappear from my side in what I thought was for forever.

A/N: Just a reminder that if you want to read the next chapter, it's already posted on my Inkitt profile. You can easily download the app to read my stories there as well. It's a habit for me to write there first before coming onto Wattpad. Sometimes I would write bonus chapters, but you have to find them first. ;)

Thanks for continuing to read this book! :)

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