Chapter 10

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Melanie's POV
"Carlisle is on his way!" Alice called to us as we escorted Bella into Carlisle's office, not entering the room with us. Jasper stayed behind with her and only this time I did not feel bad about it; this was a serious moment.

"Get it out! Get it out!" Bella screamed, pain screaming out from her voice, facial expression, and emotions. I tried to keep her calm while inserting morphine into her system as Rosalie and Edward argued on what to do, eventually letting Rosalie grab a scalpel to cut into Bella's stomach. As soon as she started the cutting, I could no longer keep Bella at bay. Her screams echoed in the room - possibly the house and outside.

"No!" Edward abruptly called out, pushing Rosalie away from Bella. Rosalie was getting thirsty...

"What are we going to do?" Jacob asked me anxiously.

"I-I don't know," I admitted, fear building up inside of me at the sight of my human best friend in pain.

"Can't you change her?" Jacob demanded to Edward.

"No, I can't, not when the baby's still in there," Edward denied.

"GET IT OUT! CUT HIM OUT!" Bella continued to scream, making me wince and try to soothe her again through her emotions.

"I'm so sorry, Bella," was the last thing Edward whispered to her before he bit into her, using his teeth to get their child out. Somehow Bella screamed louder than previously, reaching out to grab my hand and squeeze with all her might. I forcefully released her hand when I could feel her bones start to break from the amount of force she was holding to my stone-like hand. Jacob tried to talk to her, to keep her sane and calm her down throughout this process while I tried all my might to help ease the pain without looking in Edward's direction. The only time when I knew everything was done was when we heard a baby's cry and Bella quieting down.

"It's Renesmee..." Edward announced quietly, adoration on his face at the sight of his daughter. He moved to my side, carefully passing the infant to Bella who smiled weakly down at her child, grunting in pain when Renesmee bit her. "No, Renesmee," Edward scolded lightly. But that wasn't my concern.

"Bella..." I whispered, staring at her frozen figure.

"Bella?" Jacob repeated. Afterwards, he started to do CPR.

"Jacob, take the baby -" Edward requested.

"Get that thing away from me!" Jacob snarled. I had no time to scold him as I went searching for Edward's serum in a nearby cupboard.

"I'll take her," Rosalie suggested from the doorway. Edward and I hissed warningly at her instinctively. "I promise, I'll look after her," she vowed sincerely, eyes on the infant. Edward and I looked to one another momentarily before agreeing on handing her the child. Rosalie would never harm a child, she always wanted one and seeing as Bella was unable to be there at the moment...

"Edward, here!" I handed him the giant needle that contained his venom. Edward whacked Jacob's hand away who was doing CPR amongst the chaos, Jacob's hand breaking from the strength of Edward's panicked movements. Jacob didn't seem to care about his state as he eyed the vampire before him.

"What's that?"

"My venom," Edward answered gruffly, stabbing the needle into Bella's chest and inserting his venom in her. In a way, he's not breaking the treaty with the shifters, he wasn't technically biting into a human. But the treaty didn't matter anyway.

We waited with our breaths held, looking for any sign in her. There was nothing. "No..." I whimpered, refusing to believe that she was gone. She said she will be fine, that she would come out alive. The book said it was possible that she could live...

Edward started to do compressions on her chest, refusing to give up on her. Jacob simply watched with a blank face, life leaving him.

"I'm not going to kill you," Jacob said lowly, "Because you deserve this," he stormed out of the room before I could say anything, feeling shocked and angry at what he said to a man who was currently trying to save his wife. I snapped out of my daze as Edward called out my name desperately for help, biting everywhere he could to make the venom spread into her. Understanding his request, I started to help him bite her. When we did as much as we could, Edward cradled Bella's fragile face in his hands, begging her to stay alive enough for the change. I leaned my head on her chest, waiting for any sign of her being alive.

Sound of the shifters approaching could be heard from outside, alerting us that they found out about what was happening tonight. "Jasper!" Edward called out, grabbing a stray cloth to clean off some of the blood on him. "Alice!"

"What about Bella -"

"Stay with her," Edward ordered, "she needs to be protected."

"But I can fight -"

"Melanie, you're pregnant," he shook his head, "Jasper would kill me if he saw you fight." He was right...

"Go," I sighed, "I'll clean her up." When he disappeared from the room, I focussed back onto the human before me. "You're a strong woman, Bella," I told her quietly, "you can do this." And that's when I heard it, a faint heartbeat. From her. "Bella?" I called out. She didn't react, but slowly her heartbeat was getting stronger. "You're alive..." I had to tell Edward.

Shutting Bella's eyes that were still creepily opened, I placed a thin blanket over her and made my way outside. When I saw the fight that was happening, I could feel my dead heart break in two. My two different sides of the family were battling one another. I noticed that Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett had arrived, but my gaze fell to my husband.

I saw Jasper struggling against two shifters, one of them I noticed being Sam. I ran towards them and tackled Sam so Jasper was handling only one shifter. "Sam!" I cried out to the growling wolf. "Stop this!" He didn't listen to me and merely growled, pushing me off him and sending me somewhere in the air. I expected to fall and possibly harm the child inside of me, however, I felt a wolf grab the back of my shirt and help me land safely on the ground. I turned quickly to see it was Leah who helped me. "Thanks," I breathed out.

"You..." I heard Jasper snarl, "You almost harmed my wife an' child!" Jasper - or was it Major? - started to fight with Sam aggressively, the instinct to defend his mate overpowering his mind. I rushed over to them and try to get them to stop before they could kill one another, only to be ignored. I observed the scene before me; luckily no one was getting killed, we were holding on well, but when will this all end? Why did it have to come to this? Bella and Edward are simply two people who fell in love, and all this is happening to them. When will they be at peace? When will all of us be at peace?

"Sam!" Jacob's voice broke through the fight. "Enough!" Sam pulled away from Jasper to growl warningly at the young Black. "You can't fight this anymore," Jacob declared.

Sam tried to bite at Jacob only for the boy to pull away in time and shift into his wolf form, crouching defensively. What was echoing in his mind shocked me, Jasper coming to my side in time to catch me.

"Jacob imprinted on Renesmee," Edward and I announced at the same, "It's against the code to harm another one's imprint."

Jacob imprinted on Bella's baby?!

Slowly, and reluctantly, Sam backed away with the others, eyeing us all. He gave a large howl one last time before they all left one by one.

It was done. We were at peace.

"Melanie, are you alright -"

"I'm fine Jasper," I assured my husband and pressed kisses all over his face in relief. "I should be asking you that!"

"Where's Bella?" Esme asked us. "Where's the baby?"

"With Rosalie," Jacob, Edward, and I answered. Speaking of Jacob...

I peered into the boy's mind and gasped at what I saw, narrowing my eyes at him. "You tried to kill Renesmee behind Rosalie's back?"

The Whitlock Family (Trilogy to 'My Major Whitlock')Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ