Chapter 11

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Melanie's POV
"You what?" Edward snarled, taking a threatening step towards the young shifter. Said boy took a step back with his hands raised in surrender.

"I -" Jacob was cut off when Edward lifted him by the collar, hissing.

"You go to kill my daughter, and just as you're about to, you imprint on her?"

"Not cool, Jacob," I tutted, crossing my arms and jutting my hip out a bit. "Not cool,"

"You stay away from Renesmee!" Edward snapped, releasing his grasp on Jacob harshly.

"You can't make me -" Jacob scowled.

"Watch me," Edward glowered.

"Enough!" Carlisle spoke up, appearing in between them. "Now is not the time; we need to check on Bella and Renesmee."

"Bella..." Edward's shoulders sagged at the remembrance of his wife.

"She's alive!" I alerted them. "Her heartbeat was there - very faint, but it's there." Edward and Jacob perked up - though I noticed distinctly, however, Jacob acting less energetic compared to before. Before he imprinted on Renesmee...

"Well, we need to start preparations, then," Carlisle noted, walking into the house with everyone following close behind, Edward grumbling while he was at it when thinking of Jacob and his imprint.

Carlisle and Esme went to fetch Rosalie and Renesmee, while Alice and I started our work on cleaning up Bella.

After we cleaned her up as well as Carlisle's office, we all gathered in the living room. "Can someone explain this whole imprint thing again?" Emmett asked once we were situated. Edward sent a withering glare to Jacob immediately.

"It's the equivalent of us having mates," I answered simply with a shrug. His mouth opened in understanding, giving Edward a half-hearted look of sympathy, the other half amusement.

" for you to have a son-in-law who had the hots for your wife -"

"Shut it, Emmett."

"You shouldn't be worried about Edward's reaction, though," I pointed out. They all looked at me questioningly. "Hello? Bella will be the most furious! That's her kid that she's been fighting for! Imagine now, her friend who wanted the baby inside of her gone, suddenly being all over that baby."

"Oh..." Jacob visibly paled, whereas Edward cheered up.

"Yeah, that's true," Edward said smugly, "I'm just going to wait for Bella when she wakes up," the sound of her faint heartbeat could be heard from upstairs as we quietened down.

"Just three days, right?" Jacob clarified warily.

"Three days of peace before Mama Bear wakes up," Rosalie grinned slyly. "Until then, we have to look after Renesmee - which I am happy to do, of course."

"We'll all take turns looking after her," Carlisle started to plan, "I need to make sure her health is okay. Edward, Melanie, Rosalie, Esme, and Jacob will be the main ones to look after Renesmee."

"Why is the dog included?" Rosalie sniffed.

"Because whether any of you like it or not, Jacob is imprinted to Renesmee, and he will, of course, look after her with everything,"

"Until I die," Jacob vowed.

"That can be granted -"

"Edward, no," I scolded. Edward and Rosalie looked away with a huff. Jasper and Emmett simply snickered.

"Alright, that settles it!" Esme clapped her hands once. "Now, time for the rest of you guys to hunt. Melanie, we have a restock on some blood for you now."

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