Chapter 14

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Melanie's POV

"I did it!" Bella exclaimed gleefully as soon as Charlie drove away, all of us giving her congratulations for overcoming that large challenge as a newborn.

"I'm impressed, Bella," I praised the woman, giving her a quick hug. "You handled that really well."

"Very impressive," Jasper nodded in agreement, winding his arms around my waist as soon as I was back at his side.

"I knew you could!" Edward beamed proudly towards his wife, the woman smiling back at him.

"I don't know if she's a newborn..." Emmett teased, "She's too...tamed," Some of us smirked at the sight of the newborn glaring at him. "Were you guys discussing the politics last night?"

I cringed at the mention of the night before. Due to our heightened senses, we were able to hear Edward and Bella whole night. It was really disturbing. Jasper was laughing the whole time at me when I was trying to block them out.

"Shut up, Jasper, I'm trying not to listen to them because if I do, it will lead me to try to have sex with you!" I had growled at him when we were lying in bed that night. That had shut him up quickly. "This is ridiculous - I hate being pregnant, my hormones go crazy!" Jasper honestly didn't mind - instead, we did it. It's a good thing that the room was super soundproof due to Jasper wanting privacy in his life before I came. And it was a good thing that Junior was sleeping over with Renesmee in a spare room as her parents reunited...intimately...

Bella instinctively growled at Emmett warningly from his teasing, when she suddenly came up with an idea - an idea that I highly approved of, exchanging grins with the newborn.


"Here's the deal. If I win, you don't talk about my sex life," Bella declared as she and Emmett stood in front of a large boulder that the man carried for their competition.

"Thank you," I grimaced, running my hand through Junior's hair as I cradled him to my chest. "We have some minors here..." The others snickered at my comment, though Bella and Emmett remained oblivious.

"If I win, I get to tease you for the rest of our lives," Emmett stated as he leaned forward on the boulder, his arm at the ready for the arm wrestle.

"Emmett," I warned him, "Bella is a newborn, she will be stronger than don't sulk too much when she wins, okay?" The man waved me off, waiting for Bella to grab his hand. What a self-centred goofball...

"On the count of three," Jasper announced from next to me. "One..." Bella grasped Emmett's hand, shuffling in anticipation. "Two..." Emmett smirked across from her, shuffling in his spot as well. "Three!"

They instantly put all their effort and strength into the competition. At first, it looked like Emmett was winning, when Bella started to really show her inner newborn strength, overtaking him.

"Totally called it," Jasper and I exchanged knowing grins.

Emmett was clearly panicking, trying all his might to fight back - I could even see his feet starting to slide as he tried to hold on longer.

It didn't work, and in the end, Bella won.

As expected.

"Damn it!" Emmett cursed out loud (making me cover Junior's ears), punching the boulder and sending some of the pieces flying around. Jasper was in front of Junior and me immediately, his back to the debris so it hits him instead of heading towards me or Junior.

"Emmett!" Esme scolded from a safe distance, a small smile of amusement on her face, "you could have hurt Melanie and Junior!"

Jasper glanced over his shoulder, sending his brother a deadpanned look. "Not cool, bro."

Bella giggled at her victory, punching the boulder so pieces continued to fly out (thus, making Jasper escort his small family further away), even going as far as kicking it. Evidently, she was still amazed at her new strength and the fact her hand would no longer break from a punch.

Bella was so invested in her new form and strength, she didn't snap out of her glee until she heard her daughter laugh for the first time, smiling endearingly at her miracle child who was in Edward's arms.

I smiled fondly at the sight, looking up at Jasper who was already peering down at me lovingly. I lifted myself onto my toes, reaching up to give him a kiss.


Everything became perfect after Bella's awakening.

Renesmee was growing the normal speed for a hybrid like herself and already looked around eight years old.

I remember when the girl looked at around six, she could already read. Bella was startled when she found out since at the time she was reading her daughter a bedtime story. It must have really been surprising to be read a story from someone who looked like a six-year-old - when really, that person was only a few days or weeks old.

Junior was now looking close to the age of two, Jasper and I immensely happy seeing him start to really grow. Now, he's started to learn how to walk, making all of us excited.

"Come on!" I cooed, holding my arms out. "Come to Mama!"

Jasper was with Junior a couple of feet away in the living room, holding Junior's wait so he wouldn't fall. Esme, Rosalie, and Alice were watching nearby, recording every second of this moment.

Junior cooed at me happily, clapping his hands.

"Come on, little man!" Jasper encouraged from behind him. "You can do it!" Junior peered down at the ground with concentration, moving slowly, with baby steps. Eventually, he started distancing the footsteps, making it longer. Jasper and I connected eyes, large smiles on our faces.

Jasper slowly released his hold on our son, all of us watching with glee as Junior started to walk by himself.

The child almost fell, but Jasper was quick to steady him before letting go of him again so Junior could finish his walk to me. Now he was merely three feet away from me.

"Come on, baby!" I whispered, feeling my eyes get teary at the sight in front of me. Would it be weird for me to say that he's growing up so fast? Crazy, when he's been a baby for so many years, right? I guess I've just been so used to seeing him as an infant, seeing him now growing is truly reminding me where I am now. Where both Junior and I are.

Back with Jasper.

Jasper now moved to my side, the both of us waiting for his last few steps with smiles.

Junior glanced up at us with a grin, running (stumbling) the rest of the way into my arms.

We all cheered, Junior and I being engulfed into Jasper's arms. "He did it!" the others squealed.

"I have it all recorded~!" Alice chimed in her soprano voice, looking like she was about to jump up and down on the spot.

And just like that, our happiness was gone when Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob came back from their walk looking worried.

What does fate have for us now...

The Whitlock Family (Trilogy to 'My Major Whitlock')Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora