They Fuckin Know

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Bakuhoe pov)))

I yawn and sit up, being tugged back down.

"Let me up."

"No, it's cold." I sigh and I forcefully remove myself from his grip. Eijiro shudders and buries himself under my covers completely. I get off the floor and use the bathroom. When I get back I see Eijiro sitting on the side of the bed stretching. It's only October, why the fuck is it so cold? I shudder and immediately walk over to my closet. "Do you have a scary amount of texts to?" I turn my head back to Ei. His phones in his hand and his face is twisted in worry.

"I dunno. Look yourself." I grab a sweatshirt out of my closet and throw it on.

"Shit!" I sigh and grab my phone.

"The fuck happened now?"

"So ya know when I went on stream while you were sleeping?" I nod and roll my eyes. "I may more may not have forgotten to turn it off." My eyes widen.

"And it's still on huh?" He nods and I groan, plopping down in my desk chair. "What is it with you and forgetting to turn streams the fuck off?" I click out of it and he seems anxious.

"I really am sorry Katsuki. I really didn't mean to." I quirk a brow.

"Stop acting like a kicked puppy my god."

"Sorry! It's just, that means they saw everything like when I have you hickeys and when we slept together." I shrug.

"They were gonna find out sooner or later. Sure I'm a little angry we didn't announce it in some badass way but I'm not gonna try and cover it up." I lean back in my chair. He nods and looks at the floor, letting his hair cover the sides of his face. I now notice how tense he is. "Are you okay with this?" He shrugs and drops his head now.

"I feel like I messed up. Sorry." I barely catch the small waver in his voice. I stand up and walk over.

"You made a mistake. You're human, it's okay." He huffs looks up. His eyes look glossy. "Whoa. Hey. Come here." I tug him up into hug. "I'm not angry." He nods and hugs back.

"I get that. I'm just being over dramatic." I pull away and make me look at me.

"Come on. Let's go get breakfast."

We get dressed and head to our favorite local restaurant. Eijiro has a kink or some shit for Waffles and I would fuck a stranger for eggs Benedict. And this place has amazing waffles and food in general. So why not? Eijiro seems a little antsy, and I can't help but feel bad.

"Hey, you sure you're okay?" He nods.

"I just feel like the second we stream or post again people are gonna go insane."

"Understand, but my next video is the one where we do fanfic. So, people will know. But if you don't want me to post it I won't."

"No! I want people to know. I'm still kinda processing it. I'll be okay." I nod and the waitress comes back over.

"Sorry if I interrupted, can I get you anything to drink or an appetizer?"

"I'll have your orange juice." Eijiro smiles and I see her cheeks heat slightly.

"And for you?"

"Unsweetened tea." She smiles and writes anything down.

"Do you need anymore time to pick what you want?"

"I'm ready, Eijiro?" He nods.

"I'll have the 3 waffles please."

"Any sides?"

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