Hes Adorable

745 45 17

If you live in America like me you know it's going into more shit so take this chapter to maybe distract you for a while. There's fluff at the end!!!!!

Sero pov))))))

Kirishima came down at 12 without Bakugo. Which is weird. Because Bakugo apparently wakes up at 8 am everyday. And they go everywhere together. Kirishima sits down on the couch and starts watching what I'm watching.

"Wheres Bakugo?" He looks over at me.

"Uh well, it's not really my place to tell. Let's just say he's gonna need a little break from everything." I nod and turn my attention back to the tv.


2:30 rolls around and Kaminari's up here now. I see something coming down the stairs ans see a still sleepy Bakugo with a hand in his hair and mid yawn. He comes over and plops down right next to Kirishima and lays down, falling back asleep almost instantly.

"You sure he's okay?" Kirishima's wearing a huge ass smile.

"Yeah some times he goes through these periods where he sleeps a lot. He'll be fine." He starts playing with Baku's hair and I turn my attention back to the TV.


30 minutes go by before Bakugo yawns ans stretches.

"What's the time?"

"Like 3." He curses and frowns.

"There goes my sleep schedule."

"This has happened before Suki. You'll be back to normal soon." He hums and gets up, stumbling into the kitchen. I get worried. He's usually so, so, lively I guess.


Bakugo came and crashed on the couch and it's honestly nice to see him calm, but not this calm.  He seems dejected. Maybe it's his bipolar buy I feel like it's worse, or something else. But it's probably because I can't read him well.


Mina comes down to stairs and stops dead in her tracks when she sees  Kirishima and Bakugo snuggling on the couch. She gasps and covers her mouth thr squeal.

"Oh this is amazing." She pulls out her phone and takes a picture. "And blackmail."

"That's gonna make Bakugo happy."

"He doesn't have to know." I bite my look over at the two.

"Hey have you guys noticed anything off with him?" Mina quirks a brow.

"No why?"

"Because I think there's something going on with him. He didn't wake up till like 2:30. He usually wakes up early as hell. And he just hasn't done a lot today." Mina puts a hand on her hip and thinks for a moment.

"That doesn't sound like him. But it's probably the move. It can take a lot out fo someone. But you could always ask."

Bakugo pov)))

Dammit they care to much. I should be back to normal soon. But I'm just not feeling it lately. I haven't even been sleeping. I just don't want to do anything.

"I'm not gonna ask Bakugo if he's okay. That's a death wish." I feel Kiri shift and take a deep breath.

"Whatre we talking about?" He yawns and the room goes silent.

"Well, uh. Is bakugo okay?"

"Yeah he's fine why?"

"He just doesn't seem like him."

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