Secrets Out

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First chapter in a while! I hope y'all enjoy<3 updates are still going to be slow but there will be some!

Bakugo pov)))

I groan and roll over but Kiris body stops me. First thing I notice is that he's basically naked. I immediately jolt up and everything from last night comes completely rushing back. I blush and sit up, covering my face with my hands.

Holy fuck we actually did that. I'm-

" 'morning babe." I blush harder as I hear Eiji's voice.

"Good morning." My voice wavers. Fuck, now he knows.

"'S cute when you get flustered over my voice." I shove him and cover my face again.

"It's to early for this." I get up and walk into our bathroom, cranking out shower to the hottest it'll go. Kiri stumbles into the bathroom. I look at him and see scratches on certain parts of his body and minimal hickeys. I glance at myself in the mirror. Hickeys liter every inch of my neck and some on my chest. I blush heavily.

"Is the shower ready?" Ei comes up and hugs me from behind.

"Should be hun." He nods and walks me to the shower and makes me get in with him. Hes so fuckin needy it's adorable.

"Last night was fun." I blush heavily again, remembering it.

"Y-yeah." Kiri giggles.

"So howd bottom feel?" I shrug, half out of embarrassment, half out of trying to find the words.

"It was better than I expected." He kisses my temple.

"I'm glad, I was nervous I did something wrong."

"You were perfect Ei." He smiles, humming softly.

"Im happy I was good." I turn around in his hold.

"I'm happy I was your first time." He kisses my forehead.

"Wanna be my second?~" i splutter and turn back around. He grabs my waist and slowly lets them travel down and forward more. "Come on Katsuki, little shower fun?~" I shake my head.

"I bet the fuck heads are back. And you know I'm not quiet." He giggles again before grabbing the shampoo.

"Let me help you out." I just nod, knowing no sensible noise would come out if I tried.


After the shower we both get dressed and I feel a slight pressure in my hips, and it im being honest I thought it as a myth. Getting a pain in your ass after sex. I can tell Ei is worried with how long I've been rubbing circles in my hips.

"I'll be fine, love." The last word slips out and I bottle the panic that floods through me. Hes gonna call the cute.

"Awww! Katsuki! You're so fucking cute!" He kisses my nose as I blush and push him away.

"Shut up." He giggles and kisses my temple, putting his hand where mine is.

"I'm sorry your hips hurt Katsu, I tried to hold back but it felt to good." I blush harder and he starts massaging my hips. "Was i any good?" He suddenly gets quiet.

"You were perfect Eijiro... plus I like a bit of pain." I decide to add the last part to make him feel better. He kisses the back of my neck.

"I love you Katsu."

"I love you to hun." He hums.

"You wanna go downstairs?" I nod and turn around to kiss him briefly. He follows me down the stairs and all the others are back and just lounging around. Mina looks up first and smiles.

Gaming Your Way There (kiribaku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora