Chapter 11: Fire

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Lucas was lying in his bed looking up at the ceiling Kakashi's words. "As the leader of the group you have to know when to get out of trouble and when not to," Kakashi's voice echoed. Lucas punched the side of his wall. I'm not a bad leader, Lucas said sitting upon his bed. We're strong, I just..., Lucas stopped mid-thought.

Who am I kidding, that guy went head to head with Suka-sensei and only survived because Suki stepped in with her earth bending, Lucas thought. Lucas sighed and got up from his bed, put on a T-shirt, and went to the backyard. His siblings were out on missions and his mom was at the market. Lucas opened his palm and a flame appeared. There's more to this, Lucas said in his head. He opened his palm more and the flame got bigger.

Maybe, Lucas thought. Lucas took out the scroll. He read all the steps out of the first page. This looks pretty simple, Lucas thought. He put the scroll down and got into the stance. Lucas punched out his left fist, crossed his hands to the side, then pushed it in front of his stomach, lastly punched his right hand.

A small flame poofed out. "That was weaker than my Jutsu," Lucas said disappointedly. "Ok, try it again, you know the moves now, it might work better," Lucas said to himself. Lucas tried the steps again, but this flame was slightly bigger. I'm doing the step right, how is it not working? Lucas thought. He read the scroll for an answer. "After the being exploited during the Shinobi War, Firebender's were fueled by negative emotions, such as hate, anger, and frustration," Lucas read.

Anger, hate, and frustration, Lucas thought. I guess I would too if I was forced to fight some else battle, Lucas thought. Lucas got into the stance again. Ok, Hate, anger, and frustration, I can do that, Lucas thought. Lucas closed his eye's and thought

"Ha, that was so weak I knew you couldn't do it," Lucas punched forward with his left fist. "No you won't, you're not good enough or strong enough to do it," Lucas brought his hands together and to his side, then to his stomach. "Hahaha you'll never be a good fire style ninja" Lucas punched his fist out with force. A huge flame flow out of his fist. "Wow, it works," Lucas said. He turned around and forced his palm out and another flame burst out.

"I hate that I have to use negative thoughts, but  this is way too cool," Lucas said with a huge smile. Lucas ran and did a front cartwheel, generating a flame from his foot and shot to a tree.

 Lucas ran and did a front cartwheel, generating a flame from his foot and shot to a tree

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"Wow, so I can generate it from anywhere on my body," Lucas said. Lucas grabbed the scroll and read through another page. "The only one of the benders that can generate there element," Lucas read. "So I'm the only one who can do that," Lucas said. "The other's have to gain control over things that are around," Lucas added. Lucas rolled back up the scroll. 'That's enough for today, better stop before mom gets home,' Lucas thought. 

Lucas waved his hand and the flame disappeared. Lucas walked into his house and grabbed a bottle of water. 'I wonder what Shinigami and Suki are doing,' Lucas thought sitting on the couch.

Poor kid  ( Naruto fanfic) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now