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Katsuki: Y/N, I think we should take a break

Your breath caught in your throat. Jesus christ, this was just fucked. You felt so heavy, you finally got up and knocked on the door. Collapsing in F/N's arms and just breaking down was what you did. She looked at you confused, but decided not to ask. After calming down, she asked what had happened, with a blank stare you showed her your texts.

"Holy shit, thats really messed up." she said. After that, no more talk was about Katsuki. You guys watched movies, sat up on Tik Tok, and did so many other things. You guys just messed around and had fun. With F/N, you laughed a lot.

"That was fun, why don't I hang out with you that much again?" you asked

"Well, you had a boyfriend before. That was really possessive, I might add." she said

"He really was, I still love him, but I feel a little better now that I can do stuff without constantly being questioned." you said, thinking back to all the times he would get mad at you for going somewhere without telling him.

"Well, I'm beat, lets get breakfast before school tomorrow, ok?" F/N asked. "Of course my queen!" you yawned, laying your head down to finally go to sleep.

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