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You stood up and faced him, drawing a breath to address the bastard in front of you.

"What. The. Fuck?" you asked, that was it, you looked up at him, expecting an answer. "Well?" you said, "What the fuck Katsuki?" you asked, hoping it was just a prank, he wouldn't actually hit you, especially out of anger, theres no way, not the Katsuki you grew up with.

It seemed that was the case though. His eyes still looked at you, challenging your glare.

"Fine then, I get it, this is fine, I understand." you said, turning away from his piercing eyes.

"F/N, can we go?" you asked, your voice cracking, great, now you were starting to cry. You and F/N started to walk away, you said goodbye to Midoriya and his friends with a sad smile, you started to shake a bit as you turned away. The train ride home was a silent one. Your cheek still stung, turns out he blew up a bit, literally. So you now had a burned cheek, a broken heart, and you were embarrassed that it happened in a public place.

You got home, opening the door being bombarded with questions by your parents.

"Where have you been?" "What the fuck happened to you?" stuff like that. You ignored it and walked to your room. You locked your door and slowly began to undress and get into more comfortable clothing. You laid down and touched your cheek. You looked at your phone and saw you had 2 texts from F/N, 1 voice message from Izuku, and 1 text from Katsuki.


F/N: Hey Y/N, I was wondering of you wanted to sleep over at my place, we could watch movies,              or do anything to take your mind off of it.

F/N: I know he doesn't get physical with you often, but maybe hanging out would help, I could               get some boba too if you wan't.  

Y/N: That sounds like heaven, I don't feel like talking about it, but I would love to hang out with              you

Y/N: Your the best F/N, I'll be there in 10


"Hey Y/N, I was just calling to check on you and see if your alright. My friends really liked talking to you and wanted to know if you wanted to hang out on Saturday? You can get back whenever you feel better, Have a good night Y/N!"

He was too sweet for his own good, you missed being his friend. So you gave him a call back.

"Hey Izuku, thanks for checking up on me, your too kind! I would love to hang out with you guys, Saturday sound great, text me the details soon. Have a good night!"

Now that that was done, you only had one message to check, Katsuki's. You prayed that is was an apology. You would check after you got to F/N.

You sat in F/N driveway, holding your phone, you clicked his contact and scanned the message.


Katsuki: Y/N, I think we should take a break

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