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You woke up to the weird screech of your alarm. Your hair was a mess and so was everything else about you. You hopped in the shower and put on your school uniform. You did your hair up like normal for school and slipped on your shoes. On your way out the door, you noticed Katsuki didn't offer to drive you to school, the you realized he started school today to. UA, your lovers new school, a big distance away from you. You almost chuckled a your silliness, you were acting like you couldn't function without him.

At school, one of your only friends F/N waited for you at the gates. "No Bakugou today Y/N?" "You act like were joined at the hip." you scoff. "Well, you practically are." she chuckles "The only class you guys aren't together for is gym." she says looking back at your dejected face. "If you were curious, he got accepted, they already started school." you said "Seriously? Good for him!" she said, though looking back at you she changed her tone immediately, "Well, I'm sure we'll be fine, right Y/N?". "Sure." you said rolling your eyes and catching up to your friend. She swung your hand in hers and looked at you. "Maybe after school we can visit him, huh Y/N?" she asked. You perked up and shook your head up and down rapidly, "That's not a half bad idea F/N!" you said, wondering what you would do without her.

Your classes passed by like any other weekday. You ate lunch with F/N, cracking up at her weekend the whole time. Sarcastic comments were slung between you and her while walking around the campus. Finally, the day was over. F/N had successfully cheered you up, you were back to your old self, worry free. You guys caught a train heading twords UA. You looked up at the gates, remembering the nervousness that pooled in your stomach when you took the exam. At the gate you could see your boyfriend and a group of other kids that flocked around him. A ways away from him you saw another old childhood friend that you ended up having a falling out with. 

"Hey, Y/N!" a voice yelled, waving you over.

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