3) The Conversation

Start from the beginning

"I only got to know about this yesterday and --"I stopped and then looked at her.

"Vibha tried to commit suicide and she's admitted in the hospital"I said and she looked at me , shocked.

"What? Vennu what are you saying? Where's my child? Why did she tried to --"

I spoke in between.

"Amma Vibha is pregnant"I said and I saw her collapsing into the floor. I ran to her and made her sit in the couch.

"Please calm down and listen to me. She needs us"I said.

I told her everything about Anand and Vibha. She sat , frozen for a long time.

"I failed as a mother didn't I?"she asked.

"No Amma. It's not your fault. It's ours. She's a kid and we should have guided her. I was so much into studies and you were in your work. Please don't blame yourself"I said

"Vennu take me to Vibha. I want to speak with her. I want to meet that boy who spoiled my daughter's life"she said

"You can. But I'll meet him first. Let's go to Vibha now. She needs us"I said and she nodded.

I freshened up quickly and locked the house. We headed towards the hospital again.

Sana was waiting for me there outside. She asked me to go and meet Dr. Jay quickly. But I wanted to stay back with Vibha some more time.

"Don't worry. I'll take your mother to Vibha. Dr. Jay had gone for rounds. Go and wait in his cabin"she said and I nodded and left.
Amma walked inside to meet Vibha.

I checked the time and headed towards Dr.Jays cabin quickly. I didn't even realise that I collided with someone. My bag fell down from my hands and I picked it up.

"I'm sorry"I said

"It's okay it's my fault. I'm sorry"that person apologised.

"Dr. Vennela?"he asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah do you know me?"I asked.

"Well punctuality is something which I always admire in a person but sadly you don't have that"he said and I frowned.

Wait...Is he Dr. Jay?

"Um Dr. Jay?"I asked , unsure.

"Welcome to GRB HOSPITALS"he said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Doctor. I got a bit late"I apologised.

"It's fine. Well Dr. Sana told me that your sister is admitted here. Is she fine?"he asked. I hesitated.

"Yeah -- she's fine"I said.

"Come"he walked ahead and I followed him silently.

"So Dr. Vennela you did well as an intern and I heard a lot from Dr. Sirisha about you. So you just have to do your job and be dedicated to your work. Everything will fall into place"he said

"I'll show my level best Dr."

"Good. I'm looking forward to see your work"he said.

I quietly nodded.

"Dr. Jay there's an emergency"a nurse walked upto us.

"I'll come"he said and turned to leave

"Can I join you Dr.?"I asked

"Nope. You seemed to be so disturbed Dr. Vennela. If you don't have a steady mind it will affect your concentration. You know what concentration means to a doctor. So stay outside. I can't take risk on a life"he said and I frowned

"Dr. Sana might have not informed your sisters suicide attempt to the police yet. Do it first. It's a rule and you're a doctor"he said and I widened my eyes

"But doctor --"

"Just do it"he snapped and walked inside the operation theatre leaving me alone there.

Anand's Point Of View


I was lying in the bed recalling Vibha's words. She's pregnant. She's carrying my child Inside her. I don't know what I'm going to do next. One part of me says to stay with her and raise the baby. But I know it will never happen. Other part of me do not want to spoil her life and career.

Fault is mine!

I crossed all my limits. I'm feeling ashamed of myself. I grabbed my phone and dialled her number.

"Please take your phone Vibha"I said to myself. I lost my temper when she didn't. I threw the phone in the floor and it broke into pieces.

I gulped down another beer bottle and sat on the floor , staring at the ceiling.

"Vibha I'm really sorry. Please come back to me"I wiped the tears off which sneaked out of my eyes.

I walked to the balcony and stood there for some time. This is vibha's favourite place. She loved this space when I took her here for the first time.

F**k! It hurts

"Anand open the door"I heard Sharan Calling me out. I ignored him.

"Anand"he shouted.

"Sharan just f*****g leave me alone for sometime"I screamed.

"Someone is here to meet you"he said.

Is it Vibha?

"She's waiting for you downstairs"

I smiled widely and opened the door quickly. Without giving him a chance to explain I ran downstairs.

"Vibha"I said looking around the living room. But I saw someone else sitting in the couch. Initially I couldn't recognise the face but I was sure that I've seen her somewhere.

She stood up when she saw me. I walked towards her

"Anand?"she asked and I nodded

"Yeah"I said

"I'm Vennela and I'm vibha's sister"she said and it dawned

Vibha had shown me her pictures. Slowly guilt took over me.

"Why did you destroy my sister's life?"she asked coldly and I had no answer.

"I didn't destroy her life"I said slowly

"She's carrying your child inside her damn it and I'm sure you know it"she shouted.

"Yes I know and I'm ready to bear anything"I said.

"Vibha tried to kill herself. Do you know that?"she shouted and I stood frozen.


"She tried to commit suicide. Just because of you I would have lost my sister"she said and tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt numb

I can't imagine a life without her.


Precap : "Yes anna. I want you besides me now"he said leaving me surprised

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