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[ we linger in the cosmos, starshine ]

chenlele mentioned you in a video

Jisung snatched his phone off the coffee table and scrambled to open Tiktok. There's no way the Zhong Chenle mentioned him in a video, none, nada, zilch. It had to be a troll account messing with Jisung's hapless star stricken feelings. The app loaded, conveniently to Chenle's latest makeup video that was already flooding the for you page, and Jisung clicked on his profile. The newest video was not a makeup tutorial at all, but a quick video of Chenle making a pink drink. He sometimes posted videos of how to make Starbucks drinks at home, and Jisung watched all of them, despite hating Starbucks coffee. Chenle looked adorable in his green apron that few could pull off, and butterfly clipped hair. Unlike his usual Starbucks videos, there was no summery background music.

we're not dating, sorry guys! but i'd love to do your makeup sometime @jisung_park, the caption read, and Jisung dropped his phone. No. Fucking. Way. He grabbed the slimy device and reread the caption at least seventeen times, taking a screenshot just in case Chenle tagged the wrong person, or it was some cruel joke. Jisung turned up the volume on his phone to hear what Chenle was saying and almost died.

"A lot of you guys were tagging me in Jisung's comment section!" Chenle began while mixing the coconut milk with the strawberry acai base. "I didn't even notice he was filming when I walked in, so sorry about that, Jisung! For the record, you're a great dancer, and Renjun loves you to death. He talks about you all the time," Chenle dragged out the last syllable in all with an exaggerated giggly eyeroll. "We're not dating, and Renjun is my little brother, not our kid. I'm sorry if the accusations caused you any harm, Jisung, and I'd love to make it up to you! Message me when you see this so I can do your makeup." Chenle poured the drink into a cup and popped the lid on. "Pretty please," he drawled, batting his eyelashes at the camera. The video ended, and Jisung rushed to open his messages.

"God, what am I supposed to say? Hi, I'm Jisung! But he already knows that." Jisung chewed on his hair tie anxiously. "Is using more than one y excessive? Yeah, definitely." He settled on a flirty comment, hoping it didn't backfire and alarm Chenle.

jisung_park: are you that opposed to dating me?

chenlele: oh, hello! that was fast! do you have my notifs on or something?

jisung_park: will it be weird if I say yes?

chenlele: not really, i've seen your comments mr. park. it'd be more surprising if you didn't

jisung_park: i appreciate a pretty boy when i see one

chenlele: are you busy next saturday?

jisung_park: just your brothers dance class and i'm done for the day, why?

chenlele: can i come over and do your makeup? i need to film a youtube video, and my followers would go crazy if they saw you

jisung_park: only if i can teach you to dance next time

chenlele: its a deal. good doing business with you mr. park

jisung_park: likewise, mr. zhong

Zhong Chenle was coming to his house. Zhong Chenle was coming to his house. Oh God, he needed to tell Jaemin and Jeno to disappear. Was his room clean? Did he ever pick up his underwear like Jaemin said? Jisung tossed his phone to the side and bolted to his room. His clothes, dirty or not, were strewn across the floor and hanging from his computer chair. He threw them all into the hamper in his closet and rearranged his stuffed animals on his bed. It reeked of teenage boy, and he sprayed a generous amount of Febreeze around the room. Flowery and fresh, Jisung triumphantly closed his door.

The hard part was getting Jaemin to agree to leave him alone. He was a bit notorious for causing havoc when unsupervised, but at least he couldn't get Chenle pregnant. He cautiously opened his brother's bedroom door and peeked his head around the corner. The room was free of clothes and didn't smell like sex, so Jisung opened the door further, and good fucking lord.

"How many times am I gonna see your dick this week?" He deadpanned. Jeno pulled the covers over his hips and buried his fuming face in a pillow. Jaemin smirked and continued to stroke Jeno under the covers.

"Don't worry, Jisungie, he gets off on being watched," Jaemin teased, and Jeno smacked his arm.

"Look, I need the apartment to myself next Saturday, please? Chenle's coming over."

Jaemin waggled his eyebrows and whistled. "Get your man, Ji! Remember to use protection. Jeno and I were planning on going to Ten's anyway. They offered to have a-"

Jisung slammed the door shut. His brother's terrifying sex life would have to wait, he had counters to clean. Three hours later, the house was sparkling like a Mr. Clean commercial. The counters were spotless, the dust on the TV was gone, and all of Jisung's laundry was folded neatly in his dresser. And now, for his favorite time of the day, rewatching all of Chenle's YouTube videos (he was meeting Chenle on Saturday! Zhong! Chenle!).

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