author notes and disclaimers

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hello, hello my lovely readers <3

I have a few things to say about this story and it's contents before I feel satisfied calling it finished.

1. Jaemin is NOT fully healed from his abusive situation, and it may take years before a victim ever is. Do not rush them, call them dramatic, etc. We all cope with trauma differently

2. I do not condone violence!! Do not deal with your issues with violence, unless it's self-defense. People say backing away from a fight makes you weak, but I think it makes you stronger than any of them. It takes a powerful person to filter their emotions in a high-intensity situation.

3. The foster system is flawed as fuck. That's all I'm saying.

4. Social media should never be your first choice of income. Unfortunately stories are stories, works of fiction. The world will tear you down if you don't fit their flawed standards of beauty, so be sure to have a backup plan in life.

5. This work is in no way trying to romanticize domestic abuse, depression, etc. If you feel it has done that, send me a PM, and let's chat about what I can do to fix that.

6. I just wanna give you all a big platonic kiss, mwah! I've been in the writing game for four years now, and every vote, every comment makes the endless hours of writing worth it.

Thank you for supporting me and my work through my journey. It's been a rough one, but my followers push me to better myself and my writing.

If you have any questions/comments/just need to vent, send me a message! I get like two a year, so I have PLENTY of time to respond.

Until next time, my loves~





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