18. Aria & Millie 1.1

Start from the beginning

She was totally in love with Millie and the slightest touches from her made Aria's brain freeze entirely over.

Millie didn't move an inch or utter another word. She just pulled Aria's back into her chest and continued to hold her and make small nips at her neck.

Every time the older's teeth connected to her skin, Aria squeaked like a damn mouse.

"Y-You're gonna get u-us caught." Aria ground out, trying to sound angry but only managing to sound breathless.

Millie hummed in response, right next to Aria's ear, almost making Aria's knees go completely weak, but never unwrapping herself from around her leader.

She knew Aria didn't really want her to.

"Please forgive me. I get carried away sometimes." Millie finally said in her same old flat monotone voice.

This was how Millie was now. Before, she was as a literal as a computer and totally devoted to her role as a respectful subordinate. Her voice was still the same but her personality had totally changed.

Millie was once the all work no play type before loving Aria. She didn't joke, she didn't laugh, she didn't smile and she definitely didn't engage or take interest in things that weren't strictly about work.

It was a result of a hard upbringing. Millie, like Aria, was a genetic phenomenon too. She was a born a rare mystic clouded diamond with the ability to teleport.

Unlike Aria though, her parents weren't ecstatic about having an anomaly as a child and considered her rarity a birth defect. Two diamonds producing a clouded diamond was unheard of and frowned upon by the Diamond community.

Millie was different and the diamonds didnt do different.

The community alienated Millie's family and in turn, Millie's family alienated her. They treated as an unwanted pet. Only giving her strict orders of what to and not to do and never interacting with her outside of that unless they were punishing her in the most severe way for a mistake. This especially became the case when they had Millie's younger sister, Lisa.

Lisa was born perfect in their eyes. The perfect diamond child that they had wished for in the first place. Once Lisa got there, it was like Millie didn't even exist. The elder daughter didn't feel any way about it because she'd never known love from her parents to begin with.

Millie over time turned into a robotic gem with no personality, no emotions and barely any sense of gemanity.

When Aria met Millie and Lisa, Aria refused to leave Millie to the evil family that had created her. She helped Millie run away and together they formed a team that would fight against discriminating gems like her parents, her sister and the Diamond District Board.

That's where Millie found escape.

It was difficult to get used to such a devoted, obedient but cold teammate on Aria's part. Millie was the complete opposite of her expressive, open , warm self but she appreciated Millie nonetheless and did her best to help her mentally, emotionally and socially where she was lacking.

It was a hard work to put it mildly. Helping Millie differentiate friend from foe was like teaching a new born to talk, but together they accomplished it and progressed to more complex topics as they went.

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