40: The Slytherin Potter

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"Emma" said Draco, nodding to a boy on his right the next day "this is Nicholas." I take him in, curly honey blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. 

"Nice to meet you." he said, extending a hand, I took it, "you too." 

"He likes studying too." scowled Draco, "so you can both be boring together." 

I rolled my eyes "keep it up Malfoy" I teased "and I won't be helping you with homework." 

"I don't need your help!" he said as we walked to the great hall, though I don't think I'll be able to eat. My stomach was twisting with every step I took. 

"Don't listen to him" said Nicholas with a smirk "he'll be begging as soon as vacation ends." 

"Shut up Tallow."

 I giggled. 

Which quickly subsided when we entered the great hall, every eye turned towards me, and I could feel the judgement radiating off of them like heat. Zoe came up to us, "thanks gentlemen." she said, looping her arms through mine "I'll take it from here." 

"In case you forgot Thompson" growled Draco "I was her friend first." 

"Ignore them" whispered Nicholas in my ear as the whispers around us started "we knew they were going stare."

 "What?" snapped Zoe, to Ernie Mamilcan "never seen a person before?"

 "Look at that!" he called to the hall "Potter's got herself some bodyguards." 

Weak sniggers were heard across the hall. Nicholas and Draco started forward with snarls, but I held them back. 

"Look at that" I say much softer but in an equally carrying voice "Mamilcans got himself a new zit." 

Slytherins chuckled as Ernie touched his face in horror "oh wait" I called "that's just his face." 

The laughter doubles and I join them as I follow my friends to our table. Slowly, gradually the regular chatter resumed.

 "Emma"said the voice I was dreading, the voice of the person I knew I hurt most.

 I turned around 

"Harry." I said, raising my head to meet his bottle green eyes.

 He looked around the table, all of whom were glaring at him, "why?" he asked simply, I opened my mouth, closed it.Harry gritted his teeth, "Emma"

"Back off." said Adrian Pucey stepping in front of me. To Ron he said, "tell your brother to manage members of his house better, and to leave members of mine alone."

"She's not a member of your house!" said Harry, angrily. 

"Her badge says so otherwise" says Pucey glaring at him, "get lost, Potter."

 "I want to talk to her, your not her bodyguard!" said Harry, his eyes flashing. 

"I'm not" agreed Pucey, "but unlike the rest of the houses here I actually care about my house. And now that she's a  member of it, I care about her. Get Lost!"

"No!" yelled Ron.

"5 points from Gryffindor."

"You can't-"

"15 points."

"Pucey" I say quietly, "it's alright, I'll manage. We'll go out if you want." He looked at me "No, it's fine." he said as he went back to join his friends.

 "Well," I said quietly "it's quite simple as to why, Harry. I don't belong in Gryffindor." 

"Yes you do!" said Hermione, whose eyes were turning glassy, "your brave, the philosphers-" 

"I did that because I wanted to protect you all." I interrupted, "not to save the world. Harry, your goal was to protect the world from Voldermort, mine was to protect my friends. And myself." 

Harry glared at the people surrounding us, "and they're the best house?" he asked "really?" 

"Potter" snarled Nicholas, "you might as well clear out."

 Zoe nodded "You think our house is the backstabber?" she laughed humourlessly, "How many people in your house believe you both were the heirs of Slytherin?"

Harry opened his mouth, closed it.

 "Bye Harry" I whispered, his eyes widened, then became cold. He walked away, Hermione followed looking at me with glassy eyes, Ron held back 'I'm sorry' he mouthed, before walking away. 

After breakfast, Me and Draco said our goodbyes to Zoe and Nicholas, "I can't believe I won't be there for your first day" whined Zoe.

 "Thank Merlin" muttered Draco, 

"shut up" laughed Zoe.

 "Emma" I turned, and immediately I want to hide away, Fred and George were staring at me with disbelieving looks. I hitch my bag up my shoulder, they just looked at me, not asking why or being angry, just looking...hurt.

 "hi" I whisper, my eyes get drawn to the Apprentice pin they gave me last summer. I looked at them looking at it too, "oh! D-do you want this back?"


I handed it to them.

 "here." I say, successfully choking back a sob. They, took it. I turn to my friends, Zoe hugs me "See you after the holidays" she says. 

We wave them off, "Emma"said the same voices from last time

 "back off" says draco automatically.

 "get lost Malfoy" growls george.  

Fred handed me the pin, I looked at him "your...giving it back?" I ask, george nods. 

"Your like our sister Ems" says Fred, "and no matter which house you are in" says George "it'll stay that way."

 "There's a condition" says Fred, stepping back from my hug "you help us prank the Slytherin, like an...an inside agent."

 I laughed, as I hug them. 

"Thank you."

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