Midnight Ball : Shouto Todoroki

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You watched as he did a double take; eyes scanning you from top to bottom as he put a name to your person. "(Y/N) . . . wow, it's been a long time."

You chuckled, fiddling with the material of your skirt between your fingers. "You're not saying I'm old, now, are you?"

He snorted, his posture relaxing. "Of course not, my lady."

You began to chat, settling in beside him as you wandered around the gardens together. It was only now that you realized how much you had missed your old friend, finding it shockingly easy to talk with him. He spoke of his father and how he intended for Shouto to take his place in power when his time came. You noted the bitterness he carried in his voice, vaguely remembering the emergence of the issue from the last time you'd conversed. He listened to your own life updates, interested in your hobbies and what you had to say about life and time. In fact, it nearly felt as if no time had passed at all, and you'd remained close throughout the years.

The light of the castle began to creep upon the path ahead of you, and you noticed that you'd circled the entire perimeter of the gardens. Music from the ballroom floated to your ears, and you recognized the tune. Influenced by your improved mood, you began to hum along to a few of the notes, nodding your head to the light, peppy rhythm.

Shouto took notice of this, eyeing you with a small smile gracing his usually stoic face. He sped up just enough to come up in front of you, causing you to halt in your tracks. He bowed before you again, one hand behind his back with the other outstretched for your own. "If I may, could I have this dance? This is your king's ball, and I believe that my lady deserves at least one before the night's end."

An unexpected heat climbed to your cheeks. Why were you suddenly feeling this way? Your childhood friend had certainly grown into quite the handsome young man, but you couldn't ever remember thinking of him in this manner. He'd only ever shown kindness and respect towards you, and it was only now beginning to weigh on you how much you liked him. But this weight wasn't in any way unpleasant, in fact, it made you feel giddier, almost light and intrepid. What could one dance together hurt?

You rested your hand in his, the fabrics of your gloves sliding together as your fingers met. His head turned up so he could once again make eye contact, drawing your offered appendage to his lips. They brushed over your knuckles, feather light, and you found yourself wishing that the silken material could have been removed. How soft were his lips truly?

Shouto walked you a few paces away onto an open area in the grass, the fragrance of greenery and crisp evening air wafting through the space. Every surface was bathed in a fine layer of moonlight, giving the world a dark, silvery glow. Shouto's skin gleamed pale and resembled porcelain, eyes shining behind the contrasting shadows of his mask.

With your palm in his, he guided you closer to him, his other hand alighting on the small of your back.

"The moon highlights your beauty remarkably so. I've never felt this . . . enamored by someone."

You shivered at his words, the gentle intensity of his gaze boring into you. You began to fall into step with the music wavering in the background. The cheerful rhythm made your heart soar as you glided over the grass with your partner. He led you through some practiced steps, others entirely new. Your skirts swirled around your ankles, adding an extra flare to each of your movements. The sound of the hidden orchestra was distant and thin, and yet there was such a feeling that instilled through you, almost as if the music had seeped all the way to your marrow.

You watched as Shouto's face began to relax into a little smile, twirling you this way, dipping you over his strong arm, pulling you back into his chest. The whole ordeal took your breath away, and even in the cool night air, your cheeks began to ignite in a palpable warmth of their own. Time slowed, and it was as though you'd been his dance partner for centuries, finding a rhythm and flowing together as one.

That is, until a shooting pain fired through your ankle, causing you to gasp and stumble. Shouto caught and steadied you in his arms before you could fall very far, worry clouding over his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

You grimaced, shifting your weight on your feet. "It's my heels," you explained. "Sorry. They're not the most . . . practical."

"Here," Shouto said, offering you his arm. "Take them off. You don't need them out here."

Your face heated once again as you leaned on his outstretched appendage, fishing around in your skirts until you found your foot. Within moments, you were free, feet bare in their thin tights, discarded shoes unbuckled and placed neatly aside on the grass. The both of you found a stone bench nearby, and you sat side by side to help ease the strain on your feet. While you took this bit of a breather, you remarked to yourself how much taller Shouto was compared to you. The sight of how much he'd grown over the years, mixed with this newfound urge to rest your head against his broad chest . . . .

"Are you feeling better now, my lady?"

(Y/N). Your name was (Y/N). He could have just as easily called you as such, and yet, the formality set your heart aflutter.

"Yes, I believe I am. Actually, I'm feeling much better. This party was so dull until you happened upon me."

Shouto's smile returned, the slightest shine appearing on his upturned lips. "I haven't enjoyed myself this much in a long time either. Thank you for accepting my offer to dance."

You hummed and flashed him a genuine grin of your own.

He averted his eyes suddenly, a new tension gripping his shoulders. "I know we haven't talked in years," he began, "but if you didn't mind, I would like to get to know you again, (Y/N). Our kingdoms aren't too distant, and I would like to write to you sometime when I return home."

Your smile widened. "That sounds lovely. I'd love to keep in touch with you." You let your hand wander over to his, taking it up in your fingers.

Shouto smiled again at your touch, raising your joined palms to press another kiss to your knuckles. "I look forward to your response," he said, lips brushing against your gloved fingers as he spoke, eyes locked on yours.

You could still hear the band playing in the ballroom. To the king, the night was still young, and the party would continue for some time longer. Within moments, you were on your feet again with him, twirling your body to the tempo of the strings and winds. With stars serving as your only audience, you danced with your newfound partner until the early hours of the morning under the light of a full hanging moon.

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