Chap 15: Severed Ties

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"She didn't tell you what she was going to do yet?" Dani asked me. I shook my head no as Dani and I sat at the food court, sipping frozen lemonades and watching the mall staff put up a false stage. A few make up artist were setting up tables as well, probably to try it on some potential buyers.

"Hey ladies. You seen your girl, Chi?" Lauren asked.

"Uhm..." Dani said, pointing to her nose. I looked at Lauren and she had  a white substance under her left nostril.

"You uhm... got somethin there." I said. Lauren's eyes got big and she quickly wiped her nose off.

"Oh uh, sorry. I was baking. Must've not gotten all the flour off. It was everywhere, my hair, my clothes. Anywho, do either one of you know what Mani is up to?" She said quickly.

"We haven't seen her. We're just waiting for th..." Dani stopped talking and was staring at something across the room. I looked in her direction and she was looking at a couple.

"That's... that's them?" I asked. Dani swallowed hard and shook her head yes.

"You want me to go over there?" Lauren asked angrily. Dani shook her head no and stood up. I stood up to, just in case she tried to run over there. She may have longer legs than me, but I'm faster then she is. A crowd started to form and people began taking pamphlets and free samples. Dani's parents were shaking hands and smiling at everyone. Their teeth looked fake, their faces looked painted on. Maybe I saw them that way because I know what they did.

"Oh hey Mani! Where you been?" Lauren said, making me turn around. Mani was standing there with a microphone, smiling. There were also a couple men behind her holding a camera that looked like the ones used to film television shows.

"Why do you have a mic? And a camera crew?" I asked her. She just walked up to me and kissed me on my lips before walking passed and going over toward the display. She handed the mic to a man who plugged it up for her. The other two men set up the camera and gave Mani a thumbs up, signaling that they were ready.. Dani, Lauren and I got closer, blending into the crowd of people. The woman looked like Dani, her same green eyes and brown hair, except she was short. The man was tall, with a ponytail and glasses. Guess I know where she got her height from.

"I'm so glad all of you could make it out today. Please, make sure you grab your free sample of B2B & Lady Venus's new Break Out Free Foundation." Dani's birth mother said. Mani tapped the microphone and cleared her throat.

"Whoa. What the fuck?" Dani said.

"Is she goin to... talk?" Lauren asked. I just looked at her and she winked at me before closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

"H-hello everybody. I'm Normani, the new CEO of Lady Venus." Normani said in a soft voice.

"Her voice-" I started.

"WOOOO! MY GIRL SPOKE! RIGHT ON MANI!" Lauren yelled, making people look at her. She didn't seem to care though, as she just smiled and gave Mani a thumbs up. Mani cleared her throat and gave her a thumbs up back before continuing.

"As you just heard, my friend over there just... uhm, got happy because I spoke. It's because I haven't said one word for a year now. But I met two wonderful women who changed me. Who were worth talking, even though it's making me feel like I'm about to pass out right now. That woman right there, is China, my new girlfriend. And the young lady standing next to her is her best friend, Dani." Mani looked at me, then at Dani, who shook her head yes, as if giving her permission.

"Dani is adopted. And her birth parents are this... Mary and Colin." Mani said, pointing to them. I loved her voice. It was soft but I could tell she couldn't hear very well.

"You see, they gave Dani up for adoption when she was three years old, then started this company. They're now worth millions and have two kids, twin boys. When Dani went to their home, trying to get some answers as to why they left her the way they did, they told her that they never had a daughter. I'm doing this because Dani is my new friend, one I'm hoping I'll keep for life." Mani turned toward Mary and Colin, who had looks of absolute terror on their faces.

"I refuse to do any further business with you two. So please, ladies and gentlemen, take all the samples you'd like. Because this is the last batch of the Break Out Free Foundation. By the way, this just aired on several networks across the country." Mani blew the camera a kiss and winked before hopping off the stage. The crowd that formed began to boo and throw the samples at Mary and Colin, who both started yelling and trying to get off the stage. Mani walked up to us and gave me a hug.

"You spoke." I said softly. She smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"For Dani." She said back, almost whispering.

"Well damn Mani. I was just gonna pour syrup and feathers on them." Lauren said, chortling.

"Wait!" Dani yelled hoarsely, making her birth parents turn and look at her.

"I just wanna, I wanna know what I did... what I did to.. make you not love me... anymore." Dani said, holding her chest. I let go of Mani and walked up to Dani.

"Hey Dan, you don't look so good. Let's g-"

"Why?! What did... what did I..." Dani fell to her knees and clutched her chest.



"Call 911!" Lauren, Mani and I yelled.

"Why...?" Dani said hoarsely, laying on the ground. I grabbed her and put her head on my lap, tears collecting in my eyes as she started to cough up blood once more. It began leaking from her mouth and onto my pants.

"Oh man oh man oh man. This is my fault. I took her out of the hospital! It's your fault Lauren!" Lauren said to herself.

"Yes, the mall. Gregory Parks Mall! The only mall here! Hurry!" I looked up Dani's birth father, Colin I believe, was yelling into his phone. Dani's birth mother was standing there with shock on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. I glared at her and she mouthed the words, "I'm sorry." I shook my head at her and looked down at Dan, whose breath was slowing.

"Dani! Hey, Dan! Come on, breathe baby. Don't stop breathing!" I said, shaking her. To my surprise, she smiled at me.

"I... I took care... of you Chi. For... for long as I could." She said, reaching up and touching my cheek with her cold hand.

"No, Dan. I still need you here. Stay with me." I told her.

"She... she'll take care of you... of you now, Chi. I was... I was wrong." She said, caressing my cheek. Two men ran up to us with a gurney and took Dani from me, strapping her down. They wheeled her out of the mall quickly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Mani was holding her hand out to me. I took it and stood up. Lauren was sitting at a table a few feet away, her head in her hands.

"Let Dani's parents know she's going back to the hospital. Let's go follow them back." Mani said softly, squeezing my hand. I nodded to her and shot them a text before walking outside with Mani, a defeated Lauren following closely behind us.

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