Chap 5: To The Mall

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After I'd dropped Dani off at her apartment, I went home and took a quick shower. Afterward, I threw on some pajamas and plopped down on the lazy boy in my living room. I turned on the tv and some reality show was on. I got out my phone and texted Normani like I told her I would.

Hey Normani. It's China

I stared at my phone until she responded.

You can call me Mani 😏

I'm sorry lol. Mani then. What are you up to?

Doing a little product testing at home. Different lipsticks.. What about you?

Just watching some show on tv... Can I ask you something?

I already know what you're goin to ask, China.

Do you? What am I gonna ask you then?

Why I don't talk.

Well, I do wanna know that. But I actually had a different question.

Oh really...? What?

Why was Lauren calling me Dream?

I waited for her reply, but after an hour I figured she wasn't going to. I felt fatigue start to take over and  eventually nodded off.
I awoke to the smell of eggs being cooked. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and got up, walking to my small kitchen. Dani was in a robe and flip flops, flipping a omelette. She turned and looked at me with a smile.

"Mornin love. Want some breakfast?" She asked.

"You mean do I want some of my food? Hell yeah I do. What are you doing here anyway?" I asked her, going into the cabinet and grabbing a coffee cup.

"I had a weird dream. Wanted to tell you about it before I forgot. You sleep like a rock. I was pokin the shit outta you. You want bacon?" She said.

"What was your dream, weirdo? Wait, how'd you get in my house?" I asked her.

"Oh, I found your spare key when I was here last." She said nonchalantly.

"Bitch, that key was under my bed, in a lockbox!"

"I know, I found the lockbox key in one of your socks in your sock drawer." She said, like it was normal. I rolled my eyes and got up to go take a shower. As I was looking for something to wear, my phone went off. I picked it up and it was a message from Mani.

Come with me somewhere tonight.

Idk. I might.


Tell me why Lauren called me Dream and I MAY consider it

You know you wanna come, China

Yeah. On one condition.

So now there's conditions?

No. Condition. Just one.

What's that?

I thought about it for a minute. Should I ask why her friend called me Dream again? No, she didn't wanna tell me.

Tell me why you don't speak

I waited for a couple of minutes. When she didn't text back. I sat my phone down and got in the shower. When I got out, I put some black skinny jeans on, a red, Nike tank top jersey and red Converse. I checked my phone and Mani had texted me back.


I smiled to myself then texted her back.

Alright. Where are we going?

Can I come pick you up tonight?

Sure. I'll text you my addy later on

Alright bet. See you then, Dream 😉💖

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. When I came back into the living room, Dani was dressed, putting make up on in a pocket mirror.

"What the hell, when did you leave?" I asked.

"Oh I didn't. I have some clothes of mine in your hallway closet on the top shelf, just in case." She said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys and wallet off of the table.

"Wait, what was your dream about?" I asked her.

"Hmm... I don't remember."

"Let's go to the mall." I said, chuckling. Dani hopped off the couch and followed me out the door, still putting her make up on.
"So this is what it's like coming to the mall on a Wednesday? Lame." Dani said, sipping on her strawberry lemonade slushie.

"Yeah, I know. We have three days off coming up soon though, weekend days." I said.

"Right. How'd I forget that..? What are we gonna do?" Dani asked me.

"Am I your only friend, Dani?"

"Uh... yeah bitch. Why do you think I'm always making plans with you?" She said, making me laugh. I looked over at the ice cream shop and saw Lauren, getting a mint chocolate chip cone.

"Hey! That's Lauren!" I said to Dani. Dani looked up and turned around.

"Damn. That's her? Why was I born straight?" Dani said. I chuckled and got up.

"I'm gonna go say hi."

"Wait bitch, let me come with you!" Dani said, getting up quickly. Lauren turned around just as we got up closer to her. She smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"What's up Dream? Who's your friend? A girlfriend you didn't tell me about?" Lauren asked.

"What? No, this is Dani. She's my best friend. Mani met her. We work at the diner together." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Dani said, doing a small wave.

"Likewise. Look, I gotta tell you something." Lauren said, scratching her head and frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little worried.

"Mani told her parents about you. They were NOT happy." Lauren said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Cause they're stuck up. Remember at the diner?" Dani said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, she's right. They're only cool with me being her friend because I come from money. But look, I'm all for team Norina." She said.

"Norina?" I asked.

"China and Normani put together, duh." Dani said, making me glare at her.

"Right. I like your friend. But if you wanna get close to her, it's gonna be hard. I seen people come and go." Lauren said. I half smiled at her and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm not the type to give up easily." I said. She half smiled at me and winked.

"I gotta get going ladies. Nice meeting you Dani! And see ya around, Dream." Lauren jogged off toward the exit of the mall. Dani looked at me and crossed her arms.

"I don't think it's worth it. I don't wanna see you get hurt." She said seriously.

"Don't worry Dan. I can get them to change their minds." I said with a shrug.

"Why though? What's so special about a girl that won't even talk to you?"

"That's the point. The mystery behind her eyes. I wanna know everything about her."

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